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Team #6 Date:03/02/2010. TEAM Haritha Rani Jadcherla Vikram Sriram Saloti Annapurna Venkat Narasimha MENTORS Dr. Yue Kwon Mr. Ravi Ganta.

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Presentation on theme: "Team #6 Date:03/02/2010. TEAM Haritha Rani Jadcherla Vikram Sriram Saloti Annapurna Venkat Narasimha MENTORS Dr. Yue Kwon Mr. Ravi Ganta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team #6 Date:03/02/2010

2 TEAM Haritha Rani Jadcherla Vikram Sriram Saloti Annapurna Venkat Narasimha MENTORS Dr. Yue Kwon Mr. Ravi Ganta

3 AGENDA Introduction Background Requirement Abstract Language specification Tool used (ANTLR) Demo Future work References

4 Background Traditional way of calculations Decimal values Paper work Preciseness of results

5 Requirements User friendly Accuracy Software Requirements Tool – Antlr Microsoft Visual Studios Operating system – Windows XP or any later version

6 Abstract Problem Difficulty in performing operations on arrays of data manually Matrices have Tags Solution Designing an interpreter that works on the user friendly Domain Specific language generated Developing a run time environment for the physicians to perform operations Approach language specification Un ambiguous grammar Generating Lexer and Parser using an automated tool (ANTLR) Developing a Run Time environment

7 Abstract Evaluation User friendly to perform various mathematical operations on double data Accuracy Time

8 Language Specification Only 4 Matrices. Up to 7 tags Types in MedCheck Operations on matrices  Arithmetic Operations  Relational Operations  Logical Operations

9 Types in MedCheck There are basically two kinds of type: Scalar Types: Integer, Double, Boolean, String Vector Types: List and Matrix

10 Different ways to access matrix values Matrix Name [r,c]; Example: M1[2,4]; Matrix Name[{r1,r2},{c1,c2,c3}]; Example: M1[{1,3},{2,4,6}]; Matrix Name[{rn..rm},{}]; Example: M1[{1..3},{2..5}] Matrix Name[*,*]; Example: M1[*,*];

11 Access to matrix cont.. Matrix Name[*,c]; Example: M1[*,4]; Matrix Name[r,*]; Example: M2[1,*];

12 Operations: Arithmetic Addition and subtraction Multiplication Division Addition and subtraction with a scalar Multiplication and division by scalar

13 Operations: Relational And Logical No relational operations on matrices but on elements of matrices No Logical operations on matrices but on elements of matrices

14 Search expression Matrix Name Example: M1

15 Language Specification Types of expressions Arithmetic Expressions Relational Expressions Logical Expressions

16 Arithmetic Expressions Addition and Subtraction Multiplication Division Addition and Subtraction with a scalar Multiplication and Division by Scalar

17 Relational and Logical Expressions No relational operations on matrices but on elements of matrices No Logical operations on matrices but on elements of matrices

18 Different Ways to Access Matrix values Matrix Name [r,c]; Matrix Name[{r1,r2,r3},{c1,c2,c3}]; Matrix Name[{rn..rm},{}]; where Matrix Name[*,*]; Matrix Name[*,c]; Matrix Name[r,*];

19 Functions Types of Arguments: Scalar values i.e., double. Array where the first element represents row index and the second element represents column index. Array where the first element is represented by * meaning it takes all the values in that row, and the corresponding element represents column index and vice versa. By accessing the tag value available from the cell location.

20 Functions Various functions used are: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Sin, Cos, Tan, Median, Standard Deviation, %CV, Sort, Log10, Exp, X^y(a,b) Note: Sort, Log10, Exp, X^y(a,b), Sin, Cos and Tan functions does not accept set type of data in arguments.

21 Tags Three properties of Tag: Tag Name Tag Value Tag Content Tag Name: Represents the name of the tag by means of which we can access a tag. Tag Value: Represents the Value of the tag which the particular tag holds. Tag content describes the content in the tag.

22 Tags (Contd…) Tag Creation: The command that is used for creating new tag at user- prompt is as follows: M1.ATTRIBUTE+=ID; Assigning the tag value: Tag value can be assigned directly at user-prompt as following: M1.Tagname= value; Deleting a tag: The command that is used for deleting tags is as follows: M1.ATTRIBUTE-=ID;

23 ANTLR Demo

24 Conclusion Design an interpreter Appropriate error reporting Exception handling The language is user friendly Help commands

25 References eId=557075 CSharp+Target#Antlr3CSharpTarget-GettingStarted ute+introduction+to+ANTLR+3

26 Questions

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