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V 03.02.01Slide 1V 1.0Slide 1 FMP/Sales & Stock FMP – Sales & Stock Account Clerk School Principal 1. Set Up 2. Maintenance 3. Pre-Year End 4. Year End.

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Presentation on theme: "V 03.02.01Slide 1V 1.0Slide 1 FMP/Sales & Stock FMP – Sales & Stock Account Clerk School Principal 1. Set Up 2. Maintenance 3. Pre-Year End 4. Year End."— Presentation transcript:

1 V 03.02.01Slide 1V 1.0Slide 1 FMP/Sales & Stock FMP – Sales & Stock Account Clerk School Principal 1. Set Up 2. Maintenance 3. Pre-Year End 4. Year End 5. Enquiry 6. Report FMP Common Setup Budgeting Bookkeeping Staff Cost Capital Asset Register Sales & Stock Other Registers 1.Setup

2 V 03.02.01Slide 2V 1.0Slide 2 Setup Sales & Stock - Setup The Sales and Stock setup function provides the following basic functions for preparation of stock management. - Maintain Category - Maintain Stock Master - Maintain Analysis Code - Maintain Costing Method - Maintain Default Unit Once all setup functions have been done, user can proceed to maintain Stock In Details, Stock Out Details and Write-Off for stock items registered in Purchase / Sales vouchers created in Bookkeeping and Sales and Stock Modules.

3 V 03.02.01Slide 3V 1.0Slide 3 Setup Category School Badge Sales & Stocks – An Example Stock Code Metal Badge Analysis Code Junior Senior Exercise Book Woven Badge Knitted Badge Maths Exercise Book Single Line Exercise Book Double Line Exercise Book

4 V 03.02.01Slide 4V 1.0Slide 4 Category Sales & Stock - Category A stock category is used to bundle a group of stock master records with similar nature. Every stock code will be categorized under a category to facilitate the filtering of stock master records when performing maintenance of Stock In Details and Stock Out Details. If user has converted Stock Category from Stock Ledger of SAMS, please read the following data conversion rule: - Ledger Code in SAMS with a ‘0’ inserted after the second digit is converted to Category Code in WebSAMS. For example, SAMS Ledger Code 561 is converted to WebSAMS Ledger Code 5601.

5 V 03.02.01Slide 5V 1.0Slide 5 Add Category - This function allows user to create a new stock category. - User should create stock category before creating stock master records. - By default, effective status of all newly created categories will be set to “Active”. - No duplicated category code is allowed.

6 V 03.02.01Slide 6V 1.0Slide 6 Add Category Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu By default, it displays the page of Category Step 2. Click [Add] button Add Category

7 V 03.02.01Slide 7V 1.0Slide 7 Add Category Step 3. Fill in the fields Step 4. Click [Save] button Add Category

8 V 03.02.01Slide 8V 1.0Slide 8 Update Category - This function allows user to update an existing stock category. - User may change the description and effective status of the category. - Updated description will appear on all the online screens and newly generated reports after the change. - Change in effective status will be effective instantly.

9 V 03.02.01Slide 9V 1.0Slide 9 Update Category Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu By default, it displays the page of Category Step 2. Enter the search criteria Step 3. Click [Search] button Update Category

10 V 03.02.01Slide 10V 1.0Slide 10 Update Category Step 4. Click [Category Code] hyperlink Update Category

11 V 03.02.01Slide 11V 1.0Slide 11 Update Category Step 5. Update the fields Step 6. Click [Save] button Update Category

12 V 03.02.01Slide 12V 1.0Slide 12 Delete Category - This function allows user to delete an existing stock category. - User is not allowed to delete category, if any stock master record has been categorized under this category. - Instead of deleting a category, user may consider setting the effective status of the category to “Inactive” if the category is no longer in use.

13 V 03.02.01Slide 13V 1.0Slide 13 Delete Category Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. By default, it displays the page of Category Step 2. Enter the search criteria Step 3. Click [Search] button Delete Category

14 V 03.02.01Slide 14V 1.0Slide 14 Delete Category Step 4. Select the checkbox(es) next to the [Category Code] Delete Category

15 V 03.02.01Slide 15V 1.0Slide 15 Delete Category Step 5. Click [Delete] button Note: Deleting Category is not allowed, if any stock master record with this stock category exists. Delete Category

16 V 03.02.01Slide 16V 1.0Slide 16 Stock Master Category School Badge Sales & Stocks – An Example Stock Code Metal Badge Analysis Code Junior Senior Exercise Book Woven Badge Knitted Badge Maths Exercise Book Single Line Exercise Book Double Line Exercise Book

17 V 03.02.01Slide 17V 1.0Slide 17 Stock Master Sales & Stock - Stock Master A stock code is a stock item or goods, which will be categorized under a stock category for stock management. Stock code is required to identify the purchase / sales stock item when filling in Stock In / Out Details. If user has converted Stock Code from Stock Item of SAMS, please read the following data conversion rule: - Stock Item in SAMS is converted to Stock Code in WebSAMS. For example, SAMS Stock Item 001 is converted to WebSAMS Stock Code 001.

18 V 03.02.01Slide 18V 1.0Slide 18 Add Stock Master - This function allows user to create a new stock code. - User should create stock category before creating stock master records. - Every stock code will have a base unit. Depending on the value user set in [Sales & Stock] -> [Setup] -> [Default Unit], it will become the default base unit when creating stock code record. User may change the base unit at the time of Stock Code record creation. - Examples of stock unit include unit, piece, pair, dozen, score and gross. - No duplicated stock code is allowed.

19 V 03.02.01Slide 19V 1.0Slide 19 Add Stock Master Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Stock Master] tab Step 3. Click [Add] button Add Stock Master

20 V 03.02.01Slide 20V 1.0Slide 20 Add Stock Master Step 4. Fill in the fields Add Stock Master

21 V 03.02.01Slide 21V 1.0Slide 21 Add Stock Master Step 5. Click [Save] button Add Stock Master

22 V 03.02.01Slide 22V 1.0Slide 22 Update Stock Master - This function allows user to update an existing stock master record. - User may change stock code information and effective status of the stock code. - Updated information will appear on all the online screens and newly generated reports after the change. - Change in effective status will be effective instantly.

23 V 03.02.01Slide 23V 1.0Slide 23 Update Stock Master Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Stock Master] tab Step 3. Enter the search criteria Step 4. Click [Search] button Update Stock Master

24 V 03.02.01Slide 24V 1.0Slide 24 Update Stock Master Step 5. Click [Stock Code] hyperlink Update Stock Master

25 V 03.02.01Slide 25V 1.0Slide 25 Update Stock Master Step 6. Update the fields Step 7. Click [Save] button Update Stock Master

26 V 03.02.01Slide 26V 1.0Slide 26 Delete Stock Master - This function allows user to delete an existing stock code. - Deletion of the stock code is not allowed if any Stock In Details with this stock code exists. - Instead of deleting a stock code, user may consider setting the effective status of the stock code to “Inactive” if the code is no longer in use.

27 V 03.02.01Slide 27V 1.0Slide 27 Delete Stock Master Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Stock Master] tab Step 3. Enter the search criteria Step 4. Click [Search] button Delete Stock Master

28 V 03.02.01Slide 28V 1.0Slide 28 Delete Stock Master Step 5. Select the checkbox(es) next to the [Stock Code] Delete Stock Master

29 V 03.02.01Slide 29V 1.0Slide 29 Delete Stock Master Step 6. Click [Delete] button Note: Deleting stock code is not allowed, if any Stock In Details with this stock code exists. Delete Stock Master

30 V 03.02.01Slide 30V 1.0Slide 30 Analysis Code Sales & Stock - Analysis Code An analysis code is used to characterize stock master records and facilitate user to fine tune the searching criteria in all online enquiry and reports. It is optional for user to use analysis code.

31 V 03.02.01Slide 31V 1.0Slide 31 Add Analysis Code - This function allows user to create a new analysis code. - By default, effective status of all newly created analysis codes will be set to “Active”. - No duplicated analysis code record is allowed.

32 V 03.02.01Slide 32V 1.0Slide 32 Add Analysis Code Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Analysis Code] tab Step 3. Click [Add] button Add Stock MasterAdd Analysis Code

33 V 03.02.01Slide 33V 1.0Slide 33 Add Analysis Code Step 4. Fill in the fields Step 5. Click [Save] button Add Stock MasterAdd Analysis Code

34 V 03.02.01Slide 34V 1.0Slide 34 Update Analysis Code - This function allows user to update an existing analysis code. - User may change the description and effective status of the analysis code. - Updated description will appear on all the online screens and newly generated reports after the change. - Change in effective status will be effective instantly.

35 V 03.02.01Slide 35V 1.0Slide 35 Update Analysis Code Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Analysis Code] tab Step 3. Enter the search criteria Step 4. Click [Search] button Update Analysis Code

36 V 03.02.01Slide 36V 1.0Slide 36 Update Analysis Code Step 5. Click [Analysis Code] hyperlink Update Analysis Code

37 V 03.02.01Slide 37V 1.0Slide 37 Update Analysis Code Step 6. Update the fields Step 7. Click [Save] button Update Analysis Code

38 V 03.02.01Slide 38V 1.0Slide 38 Delete Analysis Code - This function allows user to delete an existing analysis code. - User is not allowed to delete analysis code, if any stock master record with this analysis code exists in Stock In Details. - Instead of deleting an analysis code, user may consider setting the effective status of the analysis code to “Inactive” if the code is no longer in use.

39 V 03.02.01Slide 39V 1.0Slide 39 Delete Analysis Code Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Analysis Code] tab Step 3. Click [Search] button Delete Analysis Code

40 V 03.02.01Slide 40V 1.0Slide 40 Delete Analysis Code Step 4. Select the checkbox(es) next to the [Analysis Code] Delete Analysis Code

41 V 03.02.01Slide 41V 1.0Slide 41 Delete Analysis Code Step 5. Click [Delete] button Note: Deleting Analysis Code is not allowed, if any Stock In Details with this analysis code exists. Delete Analysis Code

42 V 03.02.01Slide 42V 1.0Slide 42 Costing Method Sales & Stock - Costing Method This function allows user to select a default costing method for the sales and stock activity on any accounting years created in the system. Specified costing method will be applied to all sales and stock activities as default value to compute the profit and loss of all the sales and stock activities for that particular accounting year.

43 V 03.02.01Slide 43V 1.0Slide 43 Costing Method First In First Out – FIFO (Default) Last In First Out - LIFO Weighted Average 3 methods available in the system:- Setup must be performed yearly, otherwise, FIFO will be taken as selected for the new year.

44 V 03.02.01Slide 44V 1.0Slide 44 FIFO Costing Method Costing Method – First In First Out Date of Purchase 01/09/2003 15/09/2003 Quantity 1000pcs 500pcs Unit Cost $10 $12 Date of Sale 16/09/2003 Quantity 1200pcs Unit Selling Price $15 Quantity Out 1000pcs 200pcs Unit Cost $10 $12 Profit $5000 $600

45 V 03.02.01Slide 45V 1.0Slide 45 LIFO Costing Method Costing Method – Last In First Out Date of Purchase 01/09/2003 15/09/2003 Quantity 1000pcs 500pcs Unit Cost $10 $12 Date of Sale 16/09/2003 Quantity 1200pcs Unit Selling Price $15 Quantity Out 700pcs 500pcs Unit Cost $10 $12 Profit $3500 $1500

46 V 03.02.01Slide 46V 1.0Slide 46 Weighted Average Costing Method Costing Method – Weighted Average Date of Purchase 01/09/2003 15/09/2003 Total: Quantity 1000pcs 500pcs 1500pcs Unit Cost $10 $12 Date of Sale 16/09/2003 Quantity 1200pcs Unit Selling Price $15 Quantity Out 1200pcs Weighted Average Cost: $(10 x 1000 + 12 x 500) /1500 = $10.67 Unit Cost $10.67 Profit $5200

47 V 03.02.01Slide 47V 1.0Slide 47 Maintain Costing Method Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Costing Method] tab Step 3. Enter the Accounting Year Maintain Costing Method

48 V 03.02.01Slide 48V 1.0Slide 48 Maintain Costing Method Step 4. Click [Search] button Maintain Costing Method

49 V 03.02.01Slide 49V 1.0Slide 49 Maintain Costing Method By default, the costing method is First In First Out Maintain Costing Method

50 V 03.02.01Slide 50V 1.0Slide 50 Maintain Costing Method Step 5. Click to change the Costing Method Maintain Costing Method

51 V 03.02.01Slide 51V 1.0Slide 51 Maintain Costing Method Step 6. Click [Save] button Maintain Costing Method

52 V 03.02.01Slide 52V 1.0Slide 52 Sales & Stock - Default Unit Default unit is the base unit for the creation of stock code. User may change the base unit when creating stock code. Default Unit

53 V 03.02.01Slide 53V 1.0Slide 53 Maintain Default Unit Step 1. Click [Sales & Stock]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Default Unit] tab Maintain Default Unit

54 V 03.02.01Slide 54V 1.0Slide 54 Maintain Default Unit Step 3. Enter the new Default Unit Step 4. Click [Save] button Press ESCAPE to return Maintain Default Unit

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