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Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Summary & Integration I.Managing the Global Enterprise II.The Manager’s Job? III.Knowledge & Competitive Advantage IV.Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Summary & Integration I.Managing the Global Enterprise II.The Manager’s Job? III.Knowledge & Competitive Advantage IV.Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Summary & Integration I.Managing the Global Enterprise II.The Manager’s Job? III.Knowledge & Competitive Advantage IV.Final Thoughts

2 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Managing the Global Enterprise Key Questions Why international management Why do firms expand their operations abroad? What are some of the unique organizational challenges encountered? How do firms formulate strategy & develop capabilities?

3 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Motivations for Internationalization Traditional Resource seeking (materials, labor, capital) Market seeking (sales expansion) Contemporary Innovation, knowledge, and learning Options for strategic moves and countermoves

4 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Integrativeness / Responsiveness (Doz & Prahalad, 1981) Global Integration GlobalTransnational MultinationalInternational Local Responsiveness

5 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Transnational Management Multidimensional Capabilities FEntrepreneurship, Integration, Renewal FNational, global, functional Configuration of Organizational Capabilities Distributed Interdependence FLocus of resources & expertise FKnowledge transfer Network Governance FShared decision making FNegotiated agreement FComplex coordination & cooperation HQ SUB

6 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 The Manager’s Job? (1) The manager is a reflective, systematic planner (2) The effective manager has no regular duties to perform (3) The senior manager needs aggregated information, which a formal management information system best provides (4) Management is quickly becoming a science and profession Myths about what you do Back to Basics Key Managerial Roles

7 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Knowledge & Competitive Advantage Why is knowledge management such a buzz? What are the implications for strategic management & organization? What are the key attributes of knowledge to understand & what capabilities are required to effectively manage knowledge? Rethinking Organizations as Repository of Knowledge

8 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Final Thoughts What is the organizational basis of competitiveness? What does it take to create effective organizations? What does it take to succeed in organizations?

9 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 V.R.I.O Framework Barney (1995) Valuable Realized Competitive Advantage Sustained Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Parity Rare Inimitable Organization

10 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Organizational Architecture Informal Organization People Work Formal Organization Output System Unit Individual Input Environment Resources History Strategy

11 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 Accumulating & Leveraging Capital Human Capital Social Capital Management: getting action in complex social systems in the face of obstacles and barriers LowHigh Low

12 Summary & Integration HBO - 45-792 That’s Not All Folks... 45-897 - Groups & Teams in Organizations 45-898 - Social Networks: Coordination & Control 45-891 - Organizational Power & Politics 45-895 - Interpersonal Negotiations 45-962 - Advanced Negotiations 45-960 - Organizational Change 45-899 - Knowledge Mgmt. & Org. Learning 45-941 - International Management

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