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"Political Risk and Risk Mitigation as Part of the Investment Climate“ Stephan J. Dreyhaupt, Advisor, Investment Climate Department, World Bank Group.

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Presentation on theme: ""Political Risk and Risk Mitigation as Part of the Investment Climate“ Stephan J. Dreyhaupt, Advisor, Investment Climate Department, World Bank Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Political Risk and Risk Mitigation as Part of the Investment Climate“ Stephan J. Dreyhaupt, Advisor, Investment Climate Department, World Bank Group

2 World Bank Group Investment Climate Reform Work: New emphasis on reducing the risk of doing business  Investment climate reform outcomes can be measured in three different ways: an increase in investment and business opportunities reduction in the cost of doing business a reduction in risks  Incubation of a new product line to limit the impact of political risk on inbound investments through policy reform measures aimed at strengthening investor protection confidence (“Political Risk Advisory”)

3 The Comeback of Political Risk: Concern over political risk moves back towards the top of corporate agendas * WIPR 2010 survey

4 Demand Side View: H igh volume of new investment insurance issued marks continuation of longer- term trend of rising demand for PRI

5 Why should Governments be concerned? Better investment climate associated with lower political risk premiums

6 Why should Governments be concerned? Political risk concerns force cancelations and withdrawals from investments * WIPR 2010 survey

7 Reducing Impediments to Sustainable Private Investments Combination of ST-financial instruments and IC reform to address LT-issues Investor Protection Confidence Gap

8 New Product Development: Political Risk Advisory focusing on strengthening investor protection confidence

9 Addressing Political Risk as part of the Investment Climate reform work: Country example - Ukraine Guaranteeing investor’ rights and protection on issues such as: Expropriation Transfer of currency Dispute settlement Compensation Example: Shortcomings concerning repatriation of funds Legal: Amend Foreign Currency Law Admin: Streamline BoU procedures Institution: Improve capacity of local BoU offices High-level investment law review Review of de facto investor protection Investment Law Review (Law No. 1540a-XII of 10th September 1991 entitled “On the Protection of Foreign Investment in Ukraine” and Law No. 93/96-VR of 19th March 1996 entitled “On the Regime of Foreign Investments”) Planning for the reform of the law Development of the policy and legislative drafting Steering new law through enactment process Improving the enforcement and effectiveness of investor rights and protection Currency transfer restrictions (licensing, registration, etc.) Award enforcement practice Compensation procedures Ease of process Capacity of institutions involved Review of specific investor guarantees

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