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Where we’ve been, Where we’re going Arthur Toga Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA.

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Presentation on theme: "Where we’ve been, Where we’re going Arthur Toga Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where we’ve been, Where we’re going Arthur Toga Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA

2 Goals Digital Atlases Integrate Gene Expression Efforts Automated Image Processing Integrated Interface Applications Focus on: Neurodegenerative Diseases Tools to share and mine multi-scale structural and functional mouse brain data

3 Data Integration Framework 2. Create conceptual links to a shared ontology 1. Create multimodal databases 3. Situate the data in a common spatial framework 4. Use mediator to navigate and query across data sources

4 Grid infrastructure Upload DiscoverAccessCollaborate Upload scripts Human Imaging DB Spatial registry BIRNLex Animal Imaging DB OrganizeAnalyze Provenance management Performance improvements, better error handling, utilization of authentication resources, integration of application services with ROCKS, BIRN authentication, portal via application launcher… FAQs, tutorials, API registry, collaborative programming tools. Morphometric analysis Microarray analysis Atlas Interoperability server and API status Replication services Oracle upgrade SRB upgrade Distributed MCAT Mediator WS- XCEDE WS Upload client Data Quality Assurance, specific for data classes Atlas and Query tools: Concept- based query, view-based query Global search FIPS: grid-based Annotation tools FreeSurfer, 3D Slicer LONI Pipeline integration Workflow management integration Better compute grid access Data publication standards Command- line data access Portal Databases WS- XCEDE CCDB WS Registration workflows: Clinical/behavioral MR scanner MR (FBIRN) Microarray Microscopy/atlas data (2D, 3D…) ontologies WS Registration portlets WS- XCEDE WS Subject IDs generator Project IDs generator WS ID assignment portlets Projects DB Subjects DB Subject ID mapper Project ID mapper status Global search portlet : web service interface : high priority Respective portlets Database backup Data grid: Compute grid: Integrate Data serve and download (e.g. for large images) WS Annotation interfaces Data integration services: terms mapping MBAT/WOMBAT; query interfaces Tools accessed from portal; Eclipse Workflow Client SRB URIs collection management XCEDE 2.0 Improved data security DB schemas and GUI (portal dashboard), versioning and regression tests (HID) DB dashboards and backup Image QA on grid (+curation dashboard) Microarray DB WS Other DBs Find commonalities Adjust to AIDB,MADB XNAT BIRN Roadmap

5 Upload Mouse Tools for Data Upload and Registration (Compatible with BIRNLex): –Microarray GE registration (Q1: UCLA, UTHSC) Also Compatible with MAGE (Standard Microarray XML data exchange format) –2D image registration (Q1: UCSD/CC) Also Compatible with 3D data used by other groups –3D MR upload (Q1) and preprocessing (Q3) (Duke, UCLA, Caltech) Also Compatible with XCEDE (Human BIRN XML-based image and event data descriptors) Completed: –CCDB-Production Version for Upload (UCSD) –2D Spatial Registration (UCSD) –3D MR Upload Tools Local Versions (Duke, UCLA) –Microarray Beta Version (UCLA, UTHSC)

6 Database Expansion for Upload and Query Compatible with BIRNLex –CCDB: Expand Web-Services for MBAT query (Q1: UCSD, UCLA) –Also Compatible with Atlas Interoperability Server and API Finish Version for Upload to New BIRN Portal (Q1: UCSD, CC) –BIRN Microarray Database and GeneNetwork: Publicly Available Production Database (Q1: UCLA, UTHSC, Drexel, CC) –Also Compatible with MAGE –ArcIMS : Create Web-Services for MBAT query (Q2: CC, UCSD, UCLA) –Animal Imaging Database (AIDB): Implement Beta Version of Database (Q3: CC and All Mouse) –Also Compatible with XCEDE and Atlas Interoperability Server and API Completed: –CCDB First Version of Web-Services (UCSD) –BIRN Microarray Development Database (UCLA, UTHSC) –Specifications for Migration of BIRN Microarray Databases to Production (UCLA, UTHSC, Drexel, CC)

7 External Datasets/Databases for MBAT Access Microarray: –Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) (Q1: UTHSC, UCLA) –NIH Microarray Consortium (Q3: UTHSC, UCLA) Other: –GENSAT: queryable database from groups outside of GENSAT (Q3: Drexel, UCLA, UCSD) –MousePat for Gene Expression Profiling and Mapping, a Visualization system for Gene Expression Profiling and Mapping from ICS-MCI (Institut Clinique de la Souris and Mouse Clinical Institute) (Q3: UCLA, CC, UCSD) Completed: –Test Uploads of GNF to BIRN Microarray DB (UTHSC, UCLA) –Preliminary Work with Groups creating Queryable GENSAT databases (Drexel, UCLA)

8 MBAT for Intuitive Discovery and Access to Databases Mediator

9 Discovery: Mouse BIRN Query Beta Version Mouse BIRN Global Concept-Based Query (Q1: UCLA, All Test-beds) –Will be implemented in MBAT/WOMBAT –Build so it may be implemented in portlet or by Human BIRNs –Compatible with BIRNLex and Mediator Test Version View-Based Spatial Query in MBAT/WOMBAT (Q2: UCLA, UCSD, All Mouse) –Compatible with Atlas Interoperability Server and API Test Version BIRN Ontology Query (BonFire/BIRNLex) in MBAT/WOMBAT (Q2: CC, UCSD, UCLA) Completed: –Interface for Simultaneous Multiple Data Source Microarray Query (UCLA, UTHSC, CC) –Interface for Filtering Microarray Query Results (UCLA) –Generate Queries to Mediator (CC, UCLA) –View-Based Spatial Query Tools in SmartAtlas (UCSD) –Specifications for Global Conceptual Query User Interface (UCLA) –Beta Versions of BonFire Query Tools (CC/UCSD, UCLA)

10 Discovery and Access (DA) from MBAT Compatible with BIRNLex and Atlas Interoperability Server/API –Implement Ability to Discover and Access NeuroTerrain and registered MBL data (Q2: Drexel, UCLA, UCSD) –Implement Ability to Discover and Access registered CCDB datasets from new database (Q1: UCSD, UCLA) –Implement Ability to Discover and Access 2D datasets from ArcIMS (Q3: CC, UCSD, UCLA) Completed: –Refactoring and Extension of NeuroTerrain Server for Mouse BIRN (Drexel) –Release of NT-SDK for integration of NeuroTerrain in JAVA (Drexel) –Test Implementations of NT-SDK and NeuroTerrain framework in other Mouse Tools (Drexel, UCSD, UCLA) –Initial Testing of CCDB web-services (UCSD, UCLA)

11 Expand MBAT/WOMBAT Functionality for Discovery and Access Mediator Microarray DB NeuroTerrain and MBL ArcIMS CCDB

12 Integration Work Atlas Server and Interoperability API: –Finish Test Implementation for use by our Groups (Q2: UCSD, UCLA, Drexel) –Begin Testing with Outside Groups (Q4: All Mouse, All test-beds) Completed: –API Implemented for Atlas Interoperability (UCSD, Drexel) –Test Transformation from MBAT Atlases to Paxinos (UCLA, UCSD) –Transformation on Database and Accessible through web-services (UCSD) –Creation of Demo using this Framework for the AHM (UCSD, UCLA) Mediator: –Connect to other Mouse Databases using Mediator (Q2: CC, UCLA, All Mouse) –Implement Dynamic and more Complex and Queries (Q3: CC, All Mouse) –Map Site DBs with New Mediator Tools (Q2: CC, All Mouse) Completed: –Accessing Microarray data on BIRN Databases with Mediator (CC, UCLA)

13 Integration Work BIRNLex: –Add Terminology for: Inter-Atlas Anatomy (Q1: Ontology WG, All Mouse, All test-bed) More Mouse Strains (Q1: All Mouse, Ontology WG) Behavioral Paradigms (Q1: All Mouse, Ontology WG) –Complete Cross-map of Key Anatomical Terms (Q2: Ontology WG, All Mouse) –Use for Term Mapping with Upload and Query (Ongoing, All) Completed: –Major Mouse BIRN Strain Names (Ontology WG, UCSD, Drexel, UTHSC) –Initial set of Mouse Atlas Anatomical Terms (Ontology WG, UCSD, UCLA, Duke) –Used for Terms in MDA Atlas (UCLA, UCSD, Ontology WG) –Used for Terminology in BIRN Microarray Upload Interface (UCLA) XCEDE: –Map Local Data to XCEDE for Data Sharing (Q2: All Mouse, CC) –Create Tools that Read and Generate XCEDE (Q2: All Mouse, CC) Completed: –Comparison of Local Site Metadata Mapping into XCEDE (All Mouse)

14 MBAT/WOMBAT Goals Release Version 1 of MBAT October 1: –Easy access to automatic upload Tools (Q2: All Mouse, CC) –Stable platform for Microarray data upload and discovery (Q1: UCLA, UTHSC, CC) –Advanced query interface implemented (Q1: UCLA, All Mouse, CC) –Ability to display most Mouse BIRN data types within the context of an Atlas (Q2: All Mouse, CC). Expand beyond Mouse Brain to: –Whole Mouse (Q4: Duke, Caltech) –Quail (Q4: Caltech) –Embryo (Q4: Caltech, UCLA) –Easy access to Atlas-building Tools (Q3: UCLA, Drexel, Caltech) Completed: –MBAT connection to upload Microarray Data for immediate query (UCLA) –Beta version of Microarray Infrastructure (UCLA, UTHSC, CC) –Components for Multiple Data Source Query (UCLA, CC, UCSD, UTHSC) –All Mouse BIRN data types currently viewable with MBAT (All Mouse) –First Implementations of Atlas Interoperability API and Server (UCSD, Drexel, UCLA) –ImageJ plug in for conversion of Amira to MBAT formats (Caltech) –Automatic and semi-automatic segmentation modules (Duke) –BrainGraph Editor for creation and editing of a Heirarchy (UCLA)

15 Mouse BIRN Publications in Past Year Published Manuscripts and Book Chapters: Ali Sharief A, and Johnson GA, (2006) Enhanced T2 contrast for MR histology of the mouse brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 56(4):717–725. Badea A, Nicholls PJ, Johnson GA, Wetsel WC (2007) Neuroanatomical phenotypes in the Reeler Mouse. Neuroimage 34(4):1363-74. Bug W, Gustafson C, Shahar A, Gefen S, Fan Y, Bertrand L, Nissanov J (2007) Brain spatial normalization: indexing neuroanatomical databases In: Neuroinformatics (Crasto CJ, ed). Humana Press. MacKenzie-Graham A, Boline J, Toga AW (2007) Brain Atlases and Neuroanatomic Imaging In: Neuroinformatics (Crasto CJ, ed). Humana Press Mackenzie-Graham A, Tinsley MR, Shah KP, Aguilar C, Strickland LV, Boline J, Martin M, Morales L, Shattuck DW, Jacobs RE, Voskuhl RR, Toga AW (2006) Cerebellar cortical atrophy in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Neuroimage 32(3):1016-23. Price DL, Chow SK, MacLean NAB, Hakozaki H, Peltier S, Martone ME, Ellisman MH (2006) High-Resolution Large-Scale Mosaic Imaging using Multiphoton Microscopy to Characterize Transgenic Mouse Models of Human Neurological Disorders. Neuroinformatics 4(1):65-80. In Press: Badea A, Ali Sharief A, Dale AM, Johnson GA, (Submitted) Computational anatomy in the C57BL/6J mouse brain. Neuroimage Braude I, Marker J, Museth K, Nissanov J, Breen D (In Press) Contour-based surface reconstruction using MPU impliCaltech models. Graph Models Chin MH, Geng A, Khan A, Qian W, Petyuk VA, Boline J, Levy S, Toga AW, Smith RD, Leahy RM, Smith DJ, (Submitted) A genome-scale map of expression for a mouse brain section obtained using voxelation. Physiological Genomics Gefen S, Kiryati N, Nissanov J (In Press) Level-set-based image to surface alignment. IEEE Trans Image Process Gustafson C, Bug W, Nissanov J (In Press) NeuroTerrain-a client-server system for browsing 3D biomedical image data sets. BMC Bioinformatics Martone ME, Sargis J, Tran J, Wong WW, Jiles H, Mangir C (In Press) Database Resources for Cellular Electron Microscopy, In R. McIntosh (ed) Cellular Electron Microscopy, Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 79 Ruttenberg A, Clark T, Bug W, Samwald M, Bodenreider O, Chen H, Doherty D, Forsberg K, Gao Y, Kashyap V, Kinoshita J, Luciano J, Marshall MS, Ogbuji C, Rees J, Stephens S, Wong G, Wu E, Zaccagnini D, Hongsermeier T, Neumann E, Herman I, Cheung k (In Press) Advancing Translational Research with the Semantic Web, BMC Bioinformatics Abstracts: Boline JK, MacKenzie-Graham A, Shattuck D, Yuan H, Anderson S, Sforza DM, Wang J, Williams RW, Wong W, Martone ME, Zaslavsky I, Toga AW (2006) A Digital Atlas and Neuroinformatics Framework for Query and Display of Disparate Data. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #100.12 Bug WJ, Gupta A, Gustafson C, Martone ME, Nissanov J, Wong WW, Zaslavsky I (2006) Integrating Brain Atlas Tools for Broad-field Morphometric Analysis and Semantic Data Integration. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #490.10 Gupta A, Bean C, Bug W, Fennema-Notestine C, Martone ME, Turner JA, Grethe JS (2006) Creating a Community-Based Knowledge Management Framework for Integrating Neuroscience Data Via Ontologies. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #100.7 MacKenzie-Graham A, Tiwari-Woodruff S, Strickland LV, Aguilar C, Peterson RS, Fubara B, Johnson GA, Toga AW, Voskuhl RR (2006) The neuropathology underlying gray matter atrophy in autoimmune demyelinating disease. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #474.4 Price DL, Rockenstein E, MacLean NAB, Phung V, Masliah E, Ellisman MH (2006) Altered dopamine receptor immunoreactivity in CNS of transgenic mice overexpressing alpha-synuclein. ICAD, Abstract, Madrid, Spain July 16 Price DL, Rockenstein E, Phung V, MacLean NAB, Masliah E, Ellisman MH (2006) A Parkinsonian mouse model overexpressing alpha-synuclein: assessment of changes in behavior and glutamate and dopamine receptor immunoreactivity. Soc. Neuroscience, Abstract #75.20. Riklin-Raviv T, Sachen N, Kiryati N, Ben-Zadak N, Gefen S, Bertrand L, Nissanov J (Submitted) Propagating distributions for segmentation of brain atlas. 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro Sforza DM, Hartenstein P, Lacan G, Melega WP, Toga AW (2006) Mapping of multiple brain region gene expression in a mouse MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #755.1 Turner JA, Fennema-Notestine C, Martone ME, Laird AR, Grethe JS, Bug W, Gupta A, Bean C (2006) You say potato, I say potahto: ontological engineering applied within the Biomedial Informatics Research Network. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #100.6

16 Mouse BIRN and the Scientific Community External groups have shown a great deal of interest in collaborating with us this past year including: International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF), Stockholm Sweden –Digital Rodent Atlases and Neuroinformatics Richard Baldock and EMAP/EMAGE, Edinburgh University –Atlasing: embryonic gene expression Gully Burns and NeuARt II, Information Sciences Institute –Atlasing: connections and literature W3C Semantic Web Health Care/Life Science Interest Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology –Visualization system for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s ICS-MCI (Institut Clinique de la Souris and Mouse Clinical Institute), Strasbourg, France –Visualization system for Gene Expression Profiling and Mapping

17 Location of Mouse BIRN Resource Users

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