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5/07/12: Today’s Plan Vocabulary 21-31 Quiz Early Events of the Civil War After Quiz: HW Read about Antietam and Gettysburg – Fill out Major Battles Sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "5/07/12: Today’s Plan Vocabulary 21-31 Quiz Early Events of the Civil War After Quiz: HW Read about Antietam and Gettysburg – Fill out Major Battles Sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/07/12: Today’s Plan Vocabulary 21-31 Quiz Early Events of the Civil War After Quiz: HW Read about Antietam and Gettysburg – Fill out Major Battles Sheet Due Wednesday. Start in class. Can also play a round or two of the card game once everyone finishes. Those who need to correct Manifest Destiny will talk to me after their Quiz.

2 Civil War Vocabulary

3 21. IRONCLADS: Ships covered with iron plates. Revolutionized naval warfare. The USS Monitor vs. the Merrimac (renamed CSS Virginia).

4 22. INFANTRY: Foot soldiers

5 23. MAIN ATTACK: Concentrated attack against an enemy’s weakest point

6 24. FLANKS: The sides of an army’s lines. A flanking movement attacks these.

7 25. EMANCIPATION: The freeing of the slaves; liberation Barbados emancipation statue commemorating the abolishment of slavery in 1834.

8 26. FORAGE: Search for food at the expense of local farmers.

9 27. SOWBELLY: Salted pork rations – salt preserves

10 28. HIRELING: Person hired for wages only to fight (like a mercenary).

11 29. SCORE: A set of 20 2 score + 5 score147+7=

12 30. CONSECRATE: To dedicate – to declare or make sacred; to hallow.

13 31. PROPOSITION: An idea that has been put forth.

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