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Successful Application of SEP In Sitting Of Industries.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Application of SEP In Sitting Of Industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Application of SEP In Sitting Of Industries

2 Rationale, Objectives And Scope Why Need an Atlas? The entrepreneur has no knowledge of the environmental conditions and consequences of his industry, which depends on the site selected. He may land up investing in an environmentally extremely sensitive site and consequently might find it difficult in getting clearance from the regulatory authority. Depending on the location specificity, an industry may have to provide more elaborate and costlier pollution control equipment to meet more stringent standards than the permissible limits, in order to avoid adverse impacts caused by extreme site sensitivity. The pollution control equipment provided by an industry may not perform efficiently and with reliability because of factors beyond control and hence there is a risk of pollution.

3 Rationale, Objectives And Scope Why Need an Atlas? Due to scattered industrial development combined treatment or disposal facilities, that may be much more economical and effective than providing facilities by industries individually, cannot be provided. Pollution control programmes cannot be planned effectively with perspective due to haphazard development. Also decision making becomes difficult due to unplanned development. Due to increasing public awareness on environmental aspects and due to the risks involved in isolated location, an industry is under pressure for compliance with stringent standards and the regulatory authorities are forced to take up immediate action.

4 A Tool for Decision-making  The Government:  Notification of industrial areas;  Decision on the type of industrial development. If the environmental considerations are out-weighed by the economic consideration for sitting an industry, the government will know the environment costs to be borne, risks involved and the long term liabilities;  Restriction of growth of certain industries in specific areas; and  Liberalizing location of certain industries and permitting them any where in a region/district.

5 A Tool for Decision-making  The Industry For location of an industry, economic factors, such as availability of raw materials, water supply, electricity, labor etc., and the environmental factors are to be considered. Accordingly, a decision can be taken on the best suitable location.  The Regulatory Authorities:  Decide on the suitability of an industry at a particular site without losing much time on environmental impact assessment;  Notification of site specific standards;  Provision of common pollution treatment and disposal facilities;  Plan well in advance pollution monitoring and control programme; and  Plan in advance requirements of manpower, monitoring instruments and laboratory facilities, budget etc.

6 A Tool for Decision-Making  The Public: The public; through the Zoning Atlas will know the locations of industrial development, the type of industries that are likely to come up and the anticipated pollution in their neighborhood. They can decide on the acceptability of such a development even before an industry actually comes up. This eliminates apprehension against forcing pollution on them.

7 Objectives To zone and classify areas for sitting of industries based on environmental considerations; To identify locations for sitting of industries and To identify industries suitable to the identified sites.

8 Benefits and Use  Helps to reduce risk on the environment due to pollution.  Reduces regulatory risks to an industry;  Reduces public complaints against pollution;  Helps develop infrastructure facilities, such as roads, water supply, electricity etc. and providing common waste treatment and disposal facilities;  Enable pollution control authority to develop and notify site-specific standards for sustainable development for which the pollution control technology and its costs can be planned by an industry well in advance;

9  Streamlines the regulatory controls on site clearance to be imposed on the industry from environmental angle, if needed;  Makes the decision-making on industrial development and sitting simpler;  Provides a ready-reckoner to the best suitable site and related environmental information for an industry;  Minimizes liabilities due to pollution over a longer period;  Helps check additional pollution the areas already over-stressed with pollution; Benefits and Use

10  Ensures that pollution potential of an industry is made compatible with the local conditions of the site;  Helps in making the planning process more transparent to the industry and the public. Subjectivity involved in reviewing a site from environmental angle for proposed sitting up to an industry is minimized;  Protects the ecological assets and other sensitive areas and  Helps to achieve sustainable development. Benefits and Use

11 Procedure For Preparation Of Zoning Atlas LINK_1-ZASI

12 Procedure For Preparation Of Zoning Atlas LINK_2-ZASI

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