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CS559: Computer Graphics Lecture 19: Curves Li Zhang Spring 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "CS559: Computer Graphics Lecture 19: Curves Li Zhang Spring 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS559: Computer Graphics Lecture 19: Curves Li Zhang Spring 2008

2 Today Continue on curve modeling Reading – Shirley: Ch 15.1 – 15.5

3 More control points p0 p1 p2 By solving a matrix equation that satisfies the constraints, we can get polynomial coefficients

4 Two views on polynomial curves From control points p, we can compute coefficients a Each point on the curve is a linear blending of the control points

5 What are b0(t), b1(t), …? Two control point case: b 0 (t) b 1 (t)

6 What are b0, b1, …? Three control point case: Which is b 0 (t)?

7 What are b0, b1, …? Why is important? – Translation-invariant interpolation Three control point case: for any t

8 Many control points p0 p1 p2 pn Straightforward, but not intuitive

9 Many control points A shortcut Goal: Idea: Magic: Getting b i (t) is easier! Why? is a polynomial of degree n Lagrange Interpolation If an n-degree polynomial has the same value at n+1 locations, it must be a constant polynomial

10 Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation

11 Lagrange Interpolation Demo agrange.htm agrange.htm Properties: – The curve passes through all the control points – Very smooth: C n for n control points – Do not have local control – Overshooting

12 Piecewise Cubic Polynomials Desired Features: – Interpolation – Local control – C1 or C2

13 Natural Cubics

14 If we have n points, how to use natural cubic to interpolate them? – Define the first and second derivatives for the starting point of the first segment. – Compute the cubic for the first segment – Copy the first and second derivatives for the end point of the first segment to the starting point for the second segment How many segments do we have for n control points? n-1

15 Natutral Cubic Curves Demo:

16 Natural Cubics Interpolate control points Has local controlC2 continuity Natural cubics

17 Hermit Cubics

18 Hermite Cubic Curves If we have n points, how to use Hermite cubic to interpolate them? – For each pair, using the first derivatives at starting and ending points to define the inbetween How many segments do we have for n controls? – n/2-1

19 Hermite Cubies Interpolate control points Has local controlC2 continuity Natural cubicsYesNoYes Hermite cubics

20 Catmull-Rom Cubics

21 Catmull-Rom Cubic Curves Demo atmullRom.html atmullRom.html n control points define n-2 segments Changing 1 point affects neighboring 4 segments

22 Cardinal Cubics s: tension control

23 Cardinal Cubic Curves 4 different s values

24 Interpolate control points Has local controlC2 continuity Natural cubicsYesNoYes Hermite cubicsYes No Cardinal Cubics

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