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 Episodes of abnormal sudden, excessive, uncontrolled electrical discharge of neurons within the brain  May result in alteration in consciousness,

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3  Episodes of abnormal sudden, excessive, uncontrolled electrical discharge of neurons within the brain  May result in alteration in consciousness, motor or sensory ability and/or behavior

4  Birth trauma/Asphyxia during birth  Head injuries/ brain tumors  Infectious disease  Toxicity (carbon monoxide and lead poisoning)  Fever  Drug/alcohol intoxication  Metabolic disturbances  Inherited  Idiopathic (unknown cause)

5  History  MRI/ CT scan  EEG  SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) – helps identify zone giving rise to seizures, can then be removed surgically  Blood chemistry test

6  Chronic disorder  Recurrent unprovoked seizure activity CAUSE OF EPILEPSY  abnormal electrical neuronal activity  Imbalance of neurotransmitters: Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)

7  Two or more consecutive seizures that occur without full recovery of consciousness between attacks  Also includes continuous electrical seizures lasting at least 30 minutes

8  Generalized seizures -involves both cerebral hemispheres  Partial seizures (focal or local) › Begins in a part of one cerebral hemisphere › Complex- may cause loss of consciousness › Simple-remains conscious  Unclassified seizures

9  Video from faculty animation only chapter 44 partial seizure

10  TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURE › Lasts up to a min. › Starts with tonic movements : stiffening or rigidity of the muscles of arms and legs › Loss of consciousness › Incontinent bladder/bowel › Clonic movements follow: rhythmic jerking of all extremities › May bite tongue › Followed by a postictal phase

11  POST-ICTAL STATE: after seizure Pt is confused and hard to arouse, may sleep for hours

12  Tonic seizures: › Abrupt increase in muscle tone › Loss of consciousness › Loss of autonomic signs for 30 sec to several minutes  Clonic seizure: › Lasts several minutes › Muscle contraction and relaxation

13  Absence seizure › Common in children ( familial) › Brief (seconds) loss of consciousness › Blank starring, returning to normal › May occur frequently throughout day  Myoclonic seizure: › Brief jerking/stiffening extremities › Singly or in groups › Lasts few seconds

14  Atonic(akinetic)seizure › Sudden loss of muscle tone for a few seconds, may fall › Followed by POSTICTAL(after seizure) confusion

15  Partial- only involves one side of the brain  Simple: person remains conscious  Complex: impaired consciousness bizarre behavior amnesia

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