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Final Exam 2015 Saturday, 11 th April, 7-10 pm Gym Rows 14-30 (even rows only) ( need ID, pencil, pen) Chapters 8-10, 12-15 (100 multiple- choice, 50%)

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam 2015 Saturday, 11 th April, 7-10 pm Gym Rows 14-30 (even rows only) ( need ID, pencil, pen) Chapters 8-10, 12-15 (100 multiple- choice, 50%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam 2015 Saturday, 11 th April, 7-10 pm Gym Rows 14-30 (even rows only) ( need ID, pencil, pen) Chapters 8-10, 12-15 (100 multiple- choice, 50%) SQ #13, 31, 33-50, 52,60 (2 of 3 essays, 50%)

2 PERSONALITY- patterns of behaviors and cognitive processes that stay relatively constant over time. 1. Trait theories: dispositions Allport - cardinal, central, secondary; Cattell Eysenck - extroversion, neuroticism, psychoticism McCrae & Costa (1985) - Neuroticism-stability “Big-5” Extroversion-introversion Openess-closed Agreeableness-antagonism Conscientiousness-undirectedness 2. Psychobiological Zuckerman-- ICSS>>n.accumbens, Kagan-- amygdala 3. Social learning Bandura - self-efficacy Rotter - locus of control

3 4. Psychodynamic - Freud Structures: Id (libido, pleasure principle), ego (reality principle), superego (conscience, ego-ideal) Defense mechanisms: repression, reaction formation, projection, sublimation, rationalization, conversion Psychosexual development: oral, anal, phallic (Oedipus, Electra), latency, genital 5. Humanistic/ existential- Maslow: Hierarchy of needs- physiological, safety, attachment, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization Rogers: Personal authenticity, self-concept, self-incongruence Video: Freud

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