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Section 4 (p. 66-71) New Protestant Sects  Anabaptists No infant baptism Immersion Credobaptism.

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2 Section 4 (p. 66-71)

3 New Protestant Sects  Anabaptists No infant baptism Immersion Credobaptism

4 King Henry VIII  See p. 66

5 King Henry VIII  Catherine of Aragon Mary Tudor (daughter)  Anne Boleyn

6 King Henry VIII  Catherine of Aragon Mary Tudor (daughter)  Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I

7 Queen Elizabeth I  Protestant and Catholic middle ground  Moderate  Firmly protestant Church

8 Council of Trent  Pope Paul III  Cardinal Carlo Borromeo

9 Council of Trent  Strengthened the Inquisition  Bible not the only source of truth  Harder penalties against worldliness and corruption  Schools and better educated clergy

10 Jesuits  Ignatius of Loyola  Missionaries

11 Theresa of Avila  New order of nuns  Writings

12 Witch hunts and persecution of Jews

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