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Citizenship after the Nation-State Brussels Meeting 12-13 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizenship after the Nation-State Brussels Meeting 12-13 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizenship after the Nation-State Brussels Meeting 12-13 November 2009

2 Purpose of the Meeting Preparation of ‘definitive’ collective publication –Discuss first drafts –Agree approach for final drafts –Further (final?) meeting in the spring Discuss wider dissemination strategy –Country team obligations –Individual, collaborative work CANS II?

3 This Session Two things 1.Sketch out themes of introduction to collective publication –The intellectual challenge –Our solution –Our approach 2.Issues around the merged dataset

4 The intellectual challenge The problem of ‘nationalised’ scholarship –But now under challenge –Work on elections, parties, interest groups, public policy, constitutional politics now attuned to re-scaled/multi-scaled practice of politics Challenge more resonant in some places than others –Our focus on citizens

5 ‘Citizenship’ TH Marshall –Particular conception of citizenship –But highly influential in UK, Germany Comparative welfare state literature Comparative territorial politics literature Assumption that political and social rights conceived, realised at ‘national’ (=statewide) scale –Much evidence to the contrary: regionalisation (and Europeanisation) –How do citizens conceive of, pursue Political rights (= political participation) Social rights (= risk-sharing, solidarity)

6 Our version of the challenge Particular circumstances likely to foster regionalisation (as suggested elsewhere in ‘challenge’ literature) –Strong sub-state territorial identity –Powerful regional institutions –Wide regional economic disparities Test through standard questionnaire fielded across a sufficient range of cases

7 Our approach(es) Country-based analyses –No attempt (yet) to carry out analysis to a standard template –Different ways of operationalising variables –Different analytical techniques; individual-level analysis –[All: engage with past traditions of national scholarship, earlier datasets] –[We may want to look at some level of standardisation of approach] Comparative analysis –Descriptive (as in my Florence paper) –Regional-level statistical analysis (Ailsa tomorrow)

8 Publication Where to publish? –Special issue of journal –Book in appropriate series –Other? Other CANS publications –Protocol CANS members free to work across merged dataset Individual or collaborative Acknowledgement (reference to funders and website) Link to publications from website Introduction (CJ+) Comparative context (CJ Florence paper) Austria France Germany Spain UK Comparative, regional- level analysis (AH+) Conclusions

9 Next Steps Meeting again –Heidelberg (?), end Jan/early Feb To finalise collective publication To plan comparative analysis –Somewhere else, before end of June To discuss comparative analyses

10 Our Publication Contents –Introduction (including comparative context - Florence paper?) –Austria –France –Germany –Spain –UK –Comparative, regional-level analysis/es –Conclusions Timescale –CJ to secure book contract (Palgrave-Macmillan?) –Near final drafts to agreed template before our next meeting –Meet to discuss late Jan/early Feb –Final revisions by end February –Submission of final manuscript by mid-April –Publication late 2010/early 2011

11 Our Publication Introduction 1.Why we did CANS: the intellectual challenge 2.Our research design ‘Citizenship’ Theoretical framework: dependent and independent variables Case selection Questionnaire design and field work Operationalising the variables Identifying here the variables we use for individual and regional-level analysis 3.Descriptive inter-regional comparison (using variables specified under 2.)

12 Country Chapter Template 1.Contexts: history, institutions, identity, economy 2.Traditions of scholarship (including earlier, related datasets) 3.Our selected variables Any problematic issues in this country Any additional variables used to explore country- specific themes 4.Steps in analysis Descriptive univariate analysis Cross-tabs Bivariate correlation Multivariate analysis 5.Conclusion: a regionalised citizenship?

13 Comparative Analysis Selected variables!! Ailsa’s paper as starting point – need comments Agree approach to analysis/presentation –Testing hypotheses at regional level –Identifying/explaining region clusters

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