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Efficient Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (P-trees technology is patented by NDSU)

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (P-trees technology is patented by NDSU)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (P-trees technology is patented by NDSU)

2 OUTLINE Review: HOBBit Metric Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (EINring) –Prototype Problem –Definition of Range Mask –Propositions –Definition of EINring –Calculation of EINring Using P-trees Summary

3 Review: HOBBit Similarity Metric Let X and Y be two values, the HOBBit similarity between X and Y is defined by where x i and y i are the bits of X and Y respectively,  denotes XOR. In another word, it is the left most position at which X and Y differ.

4 Review: HOBBit Distance & Ring The HOBBit distance between two tuples X and Y is defined by HOBBit Ring: The HOBBit ring of radii, r 1 and r 2, centered at c is defined as R(c, r 1, r 2 ) = {x X | r 1  d(c,x) < r 2 }, where d(c,x) is HOBBit distance.

5 Diagram of HOBBit Ring

6 Example of HOBBit Ring HOBBit RingBinary RangeDecimal R(22,7,8)00010110-0001011122-23 R(22,6,8)00010100-0001011120-23 R(22,5,8)00010000-0001011116-23 R(22,4,8)00010000-0001111116-31 R(22,3,8)00000000-000111110-31 R(22,2,8)00000000-001111110-63 R(22,1,8)00000000-000101110-127 R(22,0,8)00000000-000101110-255

7 Summary of HOBBit Metric The HOBBit metric is based on the most significant matching bit positions starting from the left. HOBBit ring is a geometric ring whose diameter increases exponentially. HOBBit ring is eccentric ring.

8 Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (EINring)

9 Outline Prototype Problem Definition of Range Mask Propositions and Theorem Definition of EINring Calculation of EINring using P-trees

10 Prototype Problem Problem: x > (4) 10 > (100) 2 Conjecture: Px>(100) 2 = P3(P2P1) 7 7 7 7 5 5 1 1 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 5 5 7 7 4 4 1 1 5 7 7 7 4 5 5 1 6 6 6 6 3 3 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 6 3 3 0 0 2 6 6 6 3 3 3 0 8x8 data set

11 Walk Through: Peano Trees

12 Result of Crude Method

13 Result of Conjecture

14 Definition of Range Mask Range Mask The Range Mask is the P-tree mask that calculates any data point, x, that satisfies range inequality, i.e., x  c 1, x > c 1, x  c 2, etc., where c 1, c 2 are integers. Example: P x>100 is a P-tree mask that calculates any data point greater than 100.

15 Proposition 1 Let m be the number of binary bit of j th attribute of data point x, P j,m, P j,m-1, … P j,0 be the basic P-trees of i th bit of j th attribute, and integers c=b m b m-1 … b 0, where b i is i th binary bit value of c. Let P xjr be the Range Mask that satisfies inequality x j  r, then P xjr = P j, m … P j,i op j,i … P j,0, s.t. 1) Op j,j is  if b i =1, 2) Op j,i is  if b i =0, 3) right binding within each attribute. Example: P xj  (70) 10 = P xj  (01000110)2 = P7(P6(P5(P4( P3( P2P1P0))))

16 Proof Sketch Without loss of generality, assume data point x has one attribute. Let c= b m …b i …b 0, where b i is i th bit value of c. P xj  c is the range mask that satisfy x  c. If b i =1, the ith bit of x should be set 1 when x and c have the same bit value from position m th to i th position, e.i., P xj  c =P m …P i  …P 0. (Partially done!) If b i =0, there are two cases that satisfy x  c, one is to set i th bit of x, x i =1, another is to set x i =0. Thus P xj  c = (P m … P i )  (P m …P i ’  P i-1 …P 0 ). = P xj  c =(P m …(P i  (P i-1 …P 0 )). Done!

17 Proposition 2 Let m be the number of binary bit of j th attribute of data point x, P ’ j,m, P ’ j,m-1, … P ’ j,0 be the complement P-trees of i th bit of j th attribute, and integers c=b m b m- 1 … b 0, where b i is i th binary bit value of c. Let P xj  c be the Range Mask that satisfies x j  c, then P xj  r = P ’ j,m … P ’ j,i op j,i … P ’ j,0 s.t. 1) Op j,i is  if b i =0, 2) Op j,i is  if b i =1, 3) right binding within each attribute Example: P xj  (198)10 = P xj  (11000101)2 = P7 ’  (P6 ’  (P5 ’ P4 ’ P3 ’ (P2 ’  (P1 ’ P0 ’ )))

18 Proposition 3 Let m be the number of binary bit of j th attribute of data point x, P j,m, P j,m-1, … P j,0 be the basic P-trees of i th bit of j th attribute, and integers c=b m b m- 1 … b 0, where b i is c ’ s i th binary bit value. Let P xj>c be the Range Mask that satisfies inequality x j > c, then P xj>c = P j,m … P i,j op i,j … P j,k, s.t. 1) op i,j is  if b i =1, 2) op i,j is  if b i =0, 3) right binding within each attribute 4) b k =0, and b j =1 j<k. Example: P xj > (72)10 = P xj > (01001000)2 = P7  (P6  (P5  P4  P3))

19 Proposition 4 Let m be the number of binary bit of j th attribute of data point x, P ’ j,m, P ’ j,m-1, … P ’ j,0 be the complement P-trees of i th bit of j th attribute, and integer c=b m b m- 1 … b 0, where b i is c ’ s i th binary bit value. Let P xj<c be the Range Mask that satisfies x j < c, then P xj<c = P ’ j,m … P ’ j,i op j,i … P ’ j,k, s.t. 1) op i,j is  if b i =0, 2) op i,j is  if b i =1, 3) right binding within each attribute, 4) b k =0, and bj=1 j<k. Example: P xj < (72)10 = P xj < (01001000)2 = P7 ’ P6 ’  (P5 ’ P4 ’ P3 ’ )

20 More Examples c=(70) 10 =(01001000) 2 P x<c =P7 ’ P6 ’  (P5 ’ P4 ’ P3 ’ ) c=(72) 10 =(01001000) 2 P x>c =P7  P6 (P5  P4  P3) c=(198) 10 =(11000101) 2, P x<=c = P7 ’  (P6 ’  (P5 ’ P4 ’ P3 ’ (P2 ’  (P1 ’ P0 ’ ))) Let c=(198) 10 =(11000101) 2, P x=c =P7P6(P5  (P4  (P3 (P2(P1 P0)))))

21 Theorem – Range Mask Complement Rule Theorem Range Mask Complement Rule Let P xj c be the Range Mask of j th attribute of any data point x, where c is integer, then P xj  c = P’ xj c hold.

22 Definition of Neighborhood Ring Neighborhood Ring: The Neighborhood ring of radii, r 1 and r 2, centered at c is defined as R(c, r 1, r 2 ) = {x X | r 1 < abs(x-c)  r 2 }, where abs(x-c) is absolute length between x and c.

23 Definition of Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (EINring) The Equal Interval Neighborhood ring of radii, r 1 and r 2, centered at c is defined as R(c, r 1, r 2 ) = {x X | r 1 <abs(x-c)  r 2 }, and abs(r 2 -r 1 )=2k, where k=1,2, …, abs(x-c) is absolute length between x and c, and is interval

24 Diagram of EINring

25 Example of EINring HOBBit RingBinary RangeDecimal R 16 (86,1)01000110-0110011070-102 R 16 (86,2)00110110-1111011054-118 R 16 (86,3)00100110-1000011038-134 R 16 (86,4)00001110-1001011022-150 ……… R 16 (86,10)00000000-111001100-230 R 16 (86,11)00000000-11110110 0-246 R 16 (86,12)00000000-11111111 0-255

26 Neighbor Count within EINring For any data point, x, let x = (x 1,x 2, … x m ), where x,j is x ’ s j th attribute column. Let r be vectors with m elements, we define the range mask P x>c+r as P x>c-r = P x1>c-r1  P x2>c-r2  ….  P xj>c-rj and define the range mask P xc+r as P xc+r = P x1c+r1  P x2c+r2  ….  P xjc+rj where c is a constant.

27 Neighbor Count within EINring: The range mask for any data points x within the neighborhood ring, R(c, 0, r), are calculated by P c,r = P x>c-r  P xc+r The neighbor count for x within the neighborhood ring, R(c, 0, r), are calculated by NC (c,0,r) = RC(P c,r ) where RC is the root count of P-tree.

28 Neighbor Count within EINring The Neighbor Count NC(c, r 1, r 2 ) of c within EINring R(c, r 1, r 2 ) is calculated as NC(c, r 1,r 2 ) =RC(P c,r2 )-RC(P c,r1 )

29 Summary Equal Interval Neighborhood Ring (EINring) is much finer than HOBBit ring. Calculation of EINring using P-trees is efficient, comparable to that of HOBBit ring.

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