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GEM Trackers for Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) in Hall JLab The Super Big Bite Spectrometer (SBS) is one of the major new equipment in hall A in.

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1 GEM Trackers for Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) in Hall A @ JLab The Super Big Bite Spectrometer (SBS) is one of the major new equipment in hall A in preparation for the 12 GeV upgrade of the CEBAF accelerator at JLab. GEM detectors technology has been adopted for the tracking system of the aparatus. The GEM chambers are arranged into three trackers: The first is the Front Tracker (FT) consisting of six large area (40 × 150 cm 2 ) GEM layers. Each FT layer is a vertical stack of three 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM modules design and built in Italy by INFN Roma & INFN Catania. The second and third trackers are part of the Back Tracker Polarimeter (BTP). Each of them consists of four GEM layers with an active area of 50 × 200 cm 2 assembled with four GEM modules (40 × 50 cm 2 ). University Of Virginia (UVa) is in charge of the GEMs for Back Tracker Polarimeter. Several prototypes of the FT and BTP GEM modules have been successfully built (see below) and are been tested. SRS is a flexible approach that provides a choice of ASICs, hybrids or discrete frontends, with either analog, binary or digital readout, connected over a customizable interface to a DAQ system. Our group is upgrading its APV25-based small SRS (2K channels) to a larger system with more than 10 K channels and the additional SRU for the data transfer and event builder. We are also working on the integration of the SRS into CODA, Hall A data acquisition Software at JLab. The full SRS will be tested on our large GEM chambers during the test beam at Fermilab in October 2013. 120 cm 100 cm 22 cm 44 cm 6° Our UVa group is also participating to the ongoing R&D for the tracking and PID detectors for the future Electron Ion Collider. We are currently building a large GEM with 2D stereo angle readout for pre-R&D prototype for both the EIC Forward Tracking and the SoLID Tracking detectors. The prototype is going to be assembled in September 2013 for the scheduled test beam at Fermilab Test Beam Facility (TFBF) in October 2013. Toward Very Large Area GEM Detectors APV25 Electronics for Experiments in Hall A at JLab R&D for large area GEM at UVa for current and future experiments at Jlab Kondo GNANVO University of Virginia, Department of Physics, Charlottesville, VA 22901, USA Front Tracker Layer (INFN Rome, Italy) Back Tracker GEM Layer (U. of Virginia, USA) Back Tracker 50 × 50 cm 2 GEM Courtesy K. Allada, JLab Courtesy E. Cisbani, INFN Roma, Italy Courtesy P. Musico, INFN Genoa, Italy Front Track prototype Preliminary results with Cosmic @ UVa X ADC / Y ADC = 1.3 Charge sharing X/Y strips Average ADC counts The 2 × 0.5 m 2 Triple GEM prototype will represent a major leap especially for Jefferson Lab compared to existing wire chambers used for tracking. New idea for a 2D COMPASS-like readout will be explored with excellent spatial resolution at high rates with low capacitance noise. Below is a design sketch of the prototype R & D for Large Area 200 × 50 cm 2 GEM with 2D readout SoLID / EIC GEM prototype [Trapezoid: 100 × (44 – 22) cm 2 ]The Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) apparatus for the 12 GeV Program in Hall A @ JLab Readout board  2D stereo angle (12°) U/V readout (r/o) board  Pitch = 550 mm, top strips = 140  m, bottom = 490  m  connectors only on the top and bottom part of the r/o board The Multi-Purpose Digitizer –MPD (INFN Genoa, Italy) The Scalable Readout System – SRS (RD51, CERN) The MPD system consists on frontend cards hosting the APV25s and a VME64x modules with VXS optional extension for JLab DAQ environment. The MPD module is able to control and read out up to 16 front end cards. The connection between the front-end and the readout is made using either high density flat cables (for small systems) or a custom backplane (for complex systems). The signals are carried to the MPD using standard HDMI cables. The MPD DAQ control signal is compliant with Jlab CODA system The MPD electronics system has been adopted by the OLYMPUS collaboration to readout the 3072 channels of its six 10 × 10 cm 2 GEM chambers with two MPDs operating with standard VME32 5-slots back plane and APV25-FE card with Panasonic Connector compatible with the Back Tracker GEM Top side Bottom side Pedestal rms noise distribution Effect of the strips capacitances SIDIS PVDIS Configuration of the GEMs two majors SoLID experiments (PVDIS and SIDIS)

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