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Introduction 2 Design. Design Loop 2 3 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction 2 Design. Design Loop 2 3 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction 2 Design

2 Design Loop 2

3 3 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999.

4 Design Loop 4 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999. Define Brainstorm Prototype Test Analyze Design Iteration Redefine

5 Brainstorming Rules 5 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999. 1.All ideas are written down 2.No criticism please! 3.Build upon other ideas 4.The more ideas, the better

6 Brainstorming Quiz 6 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999. Use this item in your kitchen Sketch/Diagram as many solutions to the prompt as possible in 3 minutes.

7 Brainstorming Quiz 7 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999. Use this item in a medical application

8 Brainstorming Quiz 8 Sullivan et al., 1999 Introductory Engineering Design: A Projects-Based Approach. University of Colorado 1999. Incorporate this into a renewable energy device

9 Design Loop 9 “Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.” – Randy Pausch, Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (2007) “Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” – Tom Kelley, Founder of IDEO

10 Open Ideas Team based brainstorm on the best designs in our lives –Produce a list a products/inventions/etc Design your own brainstorm quiz –Challenge teams within the class with more challenging brainstorming puzzles 10

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