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Kristen Lockhart COMPUTER PRIVACY & PERSONAL INFORMATION What types of information do companies have and share about YOU?

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Presentation on theme: "Kristen Lockhart COMPUTER PRIVACY & PERSONAL INFORMATION What types of information do companies have and share about YOU?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kristen Lockhart COMPUTER PRIVACY & PERSONAL INFORMATION What types of information do companies have and share about YOU?

2 Why this presentation is important to YOU.  The more you know how your personal information is collected, maintained, and used, the better prepared you will be in protecting your personal information. OBJECTIVE:  This presentation will help you understand the extent and risks associated with databases that contain personal information about you. 289 289

3 Who knows what about YOU?  The IRS keeps records of your earnings, taxes, deductions and employment. Your IRS data must be available to certain government agencies.  Education data is what you’ve accomplished during your years in school—grades, roommate preferences and disciplinary actions. 289 289

4 Who knows what about YOU?  Driver and Crime data includes very personal descriptive data, such as sex, age, height, weight, color of eyes and hair, arrests, fines and traffic offenses. Your information is available to law enforcement personnel.  Lifestyle data: Whenever you pay bills on-line, respond to opinion polls and shop; a Profile can be created on you. 289-290

5 Profiling  Profiling is a process where companies examine and evaluate on-line activities and interests to create a comprehensive personal profile. Example: A prediction of how you dress can be determined by knowing the type of clothing stores you shop at. 291

6 How might your information be abused?  Many companies have been formed strictly to sell information about people—including e-mail addresses.  In numerous situations, people aren’t suspicious that their personal information is being used or sold.  Personal information for profit is growing so rapidly that the government is having a difficult time keeping up with cases of abuse. 292

7 How can you protect yourself? BAD NEWS:  At present, the federal laws give individuals little protection.  You are not allowed to choose who sees your information.  In most cases you are not allowed to view, remove, or change information on some databases. GOOD NEWS:  Laws are being put in place that will provide better protection of personal information. Example: In the future companies must get your permission before they can sell any of your personal information (name, address, telephone number and social security number). 291 291



10 References  Computers Information Technology in Perspective by Long and Long  The Anonymizer Protecting User Privacy on the Web by Justin Boyan

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