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New Improvement Rating for Alternative School Nancy E. Brito, NBCT, Instructional Specialist, Department of Assessment, 561-357-7521, PX47521.

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Presentation on theme: "New Improvement Rating for Alternative School Nancy E. Brito, NBCT, Instructional Specialist, Department of Assessment, 561-357-7521, PX47521."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Improvement Rating for Alternative School Nancy E. Brito, NBCT, Instructional Specialist, Department of Assessment, 561-357-7521, PX47521

2 Improvement Rating Traditional School Grade or Alternative School Accountability

3 What is an Alternative School? School that provides Dropout prevention and academic intervention services

4 What is NOT an Alternative School? Second Chance Schools Operated or contracted by the Department of Juvenile Services Dropout retrieval program schools

5 What is considered a Home School? School to which the student would be assigned if the student were not assigned to the alternative school

6 Traditional School Grade Improvement Rating or Alternative School Accountability Student Performance Accountability Student Performance NOT credited back to Home School Student Performance credited back to Home School

7 Crediting Performance Back to Home School Home School has the same grade configuration as the Alternative School

8 Crediting Performance Back to Home School Credit 1. in overall learning gains in reading and mathematics; and 2. as long as the student is enrolled in the alternative school in a grade that is offered by the Home School

9 Students Included in Alternative School Accountability Eligible students: Survey 3 (October FTE) Three years FCAT scores (current year and two prior years) FTE

10 Students subject to expulsions for repeated and/or serious offenses in dropout-retrieval programs officially designated as dropouts in programs operated or contracted by the Department of Juvenile Justice Students NOT Included in the Alternative School Accountability

11 Comparison of same students learning gains for the current and prior year Calculating School Improvement Rating FCAT FY11 Learning Gains Current Year Learning Gains Prior Year FCAT FY 10 FCAT FY09 vs. Prior Year 2 Prior Year 1Current Year

12 Minimum of 10 eligible students with current and two prior FCAT scores in  Reading, and  Mathematics Calculating School Improvement Rating Mathematics 10 Reading 10 and

13 % Students Making Learning Gains Improvement Rating* Is at least 5% higher than prior year learning gains Improving Improvement Rating for Alternative Schools Is within 5% points of prior year learning gains Maintaining Is at least 5% lower than prior year learning gains Declining A school’s rating can be no higher than the status of the lowest performing subject

14 Eligibility for Awards School Recognition Award  Improving a Level  Maintaining an “Improving” Rating

15 Need more information? Contact: Nancy E. Brito, NBCT Instructional Specialist Department of Assessment 561-357-2751, PX47521

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