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World History Summer Session 2014 World History Summer Session 2014 Unit 1 Historical Inquiry Unit 1 Historical Inquiry.

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1 World History Summer Session 2014 World History Summer Session 2014 Unit 1 Historical Inquiry Unit 1 Historical Inquiry

2 What English word about time comes from the Greeks? Cronos+ logikos (Greek god of Time) (thinking based on reason) Cronos+ logikos (Greek god of Time) (thinking based on reason)

3 Lesson 1a: Labeling Dates Chronological - historians record people, places and events in chronological time, from earliest to most recent Go to Lesson 1b Chronological - historians record people, places and events in chronological time, from earliest to most recent Go to Lesson 1b

4 Lesson 1a notes con’t after Lesson 1b Birth of Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity = year 1 on our timelines BC – Before Christ, dates before the birth of Jesus Christ AD – Anno Domini (year of our lord), years after the birth of Jesus Christ Birth of Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity = year 1 on our timelines BC – Before Christ, dates before the birth of Jesus Christ AD – Anno Domini (year of our lord), years after the birth of Jesus Christ

5 Q: What can historians do when recording dates to recognize not every country counts their year from the birth of Christ? Answer: Create non-religious labels BCE - Before Common Era, means the same as BC CE – Common Era, means the same as AD Answer: Create non-religious labels BCE - Before Common Era, means the same as BC CE – Common Era, means the same as AD

6 Lesson 2a: Questions Historians Ask Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

7 Lesson 2c: Primary and Secondary Source notes Primary Source - original materials that provide first hand accounts or evidence of a person, place or event (diary, photograph, original document, buildings) Secondary Source - materials created after the fact (textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias) Practice Primary Source - original materials that provide first hand accounts or evidence of a person, place or event (diary, photograph, original document, buildings) Secondary Source - materials created after the fact (textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias) Practice

8 Lesson 3a: Historical Inquiry notes Recall: History is what we choose to remember about the past. Interpret: History involves explaining people and events. Apply: Use what we know about the past to understand the present. Analyze: History involves figuring out complicated situations. Synthesize: History involves making sense out of jumble of facts. Evaluate: History involves making judgments about people and events. Recall: History is what we choose to remember about the past. Interpret: History involves explaining people and events. Apply: Use what we know about the past to understand the present. Analyze: History involves figuring out complicated situations. Synthesize: History involves making sense out of jumble of facts. Evaluate: History involves making judgments about people and events.

9 Lesson 3b: The Underground Railroad: The William Still Story

10 Lesson 13b: Resistance Brainstorm…..What are ways the enslaved could resist? Speak their native language Run Away Fight back - rebellions Damage tools or machinery Not work very hard Brainstorm…..What are ways the enslaved could resist? Speak their native language Run Away Fight back - rebellions Damage tools or machinery Not work very hard

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