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Charbornay Johnson 8/29/12 2 nd Block. Qin Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Great Wall Confucius “Mean People” VOCABULARY.

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1 Charbornay Johnson 8/29/12 2 nd Block

2 Qin Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Great Wall Confucius “Mean People” VOCABULARY

3 Established in 221 BCE at the end of the Warring States period following the decline of the Zhou Dynasty. QIN DYNASTY Thinking Map

4 Qin Dynasty Brutal Established the first bureaucracies. Standardized weights, coinage, and measurements throughout the realm.

5 QIN DYNASTY G!SPRITE P - Brutal government let first by Qin Shih Huangdi, but was very effective; established the first b R – Believed in Legalism, which favored an authoritarian state that ruled by brutal force. T – Qin Shih Huangdi ordered the building of the Great Wall; regulated coinage, weights, and measurements throughout the realm.

6 Originally a vassal family of Shang China; possibly Turkic in origin; overthrew the Shang and established 2 nd historical Chinese Dynasty that flourished 1122 to 256 BCE. ZHOU DYNASTY

7 Zhou Dynasty Fell because of invasions by nomadic people and a decline in political infrastructure. Extended China to the “Middle Kingdom” Did not establish a central government.

8 ZHOU DYNASTY G!SPRITE S – there were two main social classes: land-owning gentries, and those who provided services to these gentries. P – ruled through alliances with regional princes and noble families. E – Trade started becoming important during this dynasty, and during the Han dynasty.

9 Chinese defensive fortification intended to keep out the nomadic invaders from the North; initiated during the Qin Dynasty during the reign of Shih Huangdi. GREAT WALL OF CHINA

10 Great Wall of China Over 3000 miles long. Built during the Qin Dynasty under the rule of Qin Shih Huangdi. Built to keep out nomadic invaders from the North

11 GREAT WALL G!SPRITE G - along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China. S – built to keep out nomadic invaders from the North. P – Ordered to be built by Qin Shih Huangdi.

12 Teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher who stressed personal and political organization and unity. CONFUCIUS

13 Confucius Undertook a lifelong quest to become the chief advisor to a leader who could restore order in China. His wisdom was compiled into teachings called The Analects. Political and social policy became the foundation for one of humanity’s greatest civilizations.

14 CONFUCIUS G!SPRITE G – traveled across China searching for a supreme ruler to become his chief advisor. P – encouraged bureaucracies to be created in the Qin Dynasty because of his teachings of personal and political unity and organization.. R – His teachings were compiled into The Analects.

15 Performed rough transport and other unskilled jobs and suffered from lowest possible status; punished for crimes more harshly than other groups; forced to wear green identifying scarves. “MEAN PEOPLE” Back to Vocab

16 “Mean People” Included performing artists, and merchants. Punished more harshly than other socialites. Forced to wear green scarves to identify social status.

17 “MEAN PEOPLE” G!SPRITE S – Lowest social class in early China. P – punished worse than other social classes for being “inferior”. E – Included merchants (people who sold things) and performing artists.

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