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LOCATION & STRATEGIC OPPURTUNITIES ; bridge between Asia and Europe; Kayseri; located at the center of Turkey.

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2 LOCATION & STRATEGIC OPPURTUNITIES ; bridge between Asia and Europe; Kayseri; located at the center of Turkey.


4 Easy to reach neighbor countries via seaports, railroads & highways.


6 First written trade agreements; first organized trade center of the world Kanis-Karum

7 IMPORTANT INVESTMENTS 1926 - Kayseri Plane Factory, Tank Repair Bünyan Carpet Yarn Factory 1935 - Sümerbank Kayseri Cloth Factory 1950 - Birlik Mensucat Yarn Factory Orta Anadolu Yarn and Woven Factory

8 IMPORTANT INVESTMENTS 1955 – Kayseri Sugar Factory 1968 - Çinkur Zinc Lead Enterprice 1970 - Meysu Fruit Juice Factory 1974 - Hes Hacılar Cable Factory 1975 - Taksan Machinary Factory

9 BASIC INDICATORS Population : 1.295.355 (%90 urban) More crowded than 83 countries in the world Land : 16.917 km 2 Larger than 90 countries

10 Number of graduates : 4.000/ year from Technical and Vocational High schools Kayseri offers qualified staff to business with the Universities, Vocational Collages and High Schools

11 UNIVERSITIES since 1978 2008 20092013 2.274 1482365 53.000 students 4.200 800200

12 MEDICAL FACILITIES Number of Hospital: 32 Number of Doctor : 2.500 Bed Capacity : 4,47 / 1.000 acceptance of foreign patients in public and private hospitals,

13 MEDICAL FACILITIES Genome and Stem Cell Center established in 2010 for stem cell applications and genome research First medical center in Anatolia, Gevher Nesibe Medrese of Medicine and Hospital, established in 1205,

14 SOCIAL INDICATORS 50 Hotels have 5.500 bed in 2.800 rooms.

15 Kayseri ravioli, pastrami and soujouk are the well known foods. KITCHEN & TRADITIONAL FOODS

16 6 shopping malls have 600 stores in 300.000 m 2 area. SOCIAL INDICATORS

17 Crafts: Carpet, stonework, wood carving CULTURE TOURISM Touristic Places Sultansazlığı, Kapuzbaşı Historical Places Castles, Inns Caravanserai, Madrasahs

18 ERCİYES SKI CENTRE Height 3.916 m Height of ski center 2.150 m Distance to City Center 25 km Number of Ski Slopes 34 unit Ski path will be 200 km and 6000 people will able to stay in 28 Hotels and new social facilities.

19 Kayseri is a trade, logistics and health center for 12 neighboring cities. BASIC INDICATORS KAYSERİ

20 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Number of Industrial Design Patent average for last five year Source: URAK intercities competitiveness index

21 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Number of Kayseri companies in the Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprices. Source: İstanbul Chamber of Industry

22 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Kayseri companies in the Turkey’s Second 500 Industrial Enterprices List. Source: İstanbul Chamber of Industry

23 Turkey ; World’s 16 th Europe’s 6 th largest economy. Kayseri; On 7 th rank with the number of biggest industry organizations.

24 Turkey; 1 th rank in textile manufacturing in Europe Kayseri; 6 th biggest textile exporter of Turkey

25 Turkey; There are 26 Technoparks established for R&D. Kayseri Erciyes Technopark is on the 3 rd rank in Turkey with its size and capacity

26 Turkey; 10 th most popular tourism destination. Kayseri; Winter tourism Erciyes mound culture tourism Cappadocia 3 Million tourists / per year

27 KAYSERİ ON THE CITIES RANK LIST 4 th in brand creation and innovation, 5 th in patent registry, 12 th in competitiveness. We provide a uniqe opportunity to reach: 1,5 billion customers 25 trillion $ market in Europe, Middle East and Asia.

28 Established in 1976, giving more than 1.200 factories in a 23,5 million m 2 area. It’s just 14 km away from the city and manufacturers benefits low electiricity (0,07 €), water (0,37€) and natural gas(0,34€) prices. KAYSERİ ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONE

29 Established in 1998 Area 6 million m 2 Plot 384 Pieces ( 5.000-160.000m 2 ) Distance 12 km away from the city Electiricity 0,06 € / Kwh Water 0,30€ / m 3 MİMARSİNAN ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONE

30 Established in 1996 Area 6,1 million m 2 Plot 154 Pieces ( 5.000-160.000m 2 ) Distance 51 km away from the city Electiricity 0,07 € / Kwh Water 0,1 € / m 3 İNCESU ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONE

31 Established in 1995 Area 6,9 million m 2 Active company 90 Distance 16 km away from the city Electiricity 0,07 € / Kwh Water 0,15 € / m 3 KAYSERİ FREE ZONE

32 ÜSAİV –University-Industry Research Cooperation Foundation First University-Industry Research Cooperation Foundation which was established in 1985. Provides services to university and industrialists for mutual benefits. PRODUCTION SUPPORT BASES Kayseri ABİGEM EU Turkish Business Development Centres are designed to support Turkish small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by providing management and education services. KOSGEB Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade and Industry Small and Medium Size Enterprises Development Organization. Kayseri World Trade Center Hosting many national and international fairs with 20.000 m2 area.

33 MANUFACTURING SECTORS Manufacturing company distrubition by sectors in Kayseri. (1700 companies) Source: Provincial directorate of science and technology industry 2013

34 COMPANY SCALES Company scales in Kayseri. Source: Provincial directorate of science and technology industry 2013

35 LEADING COMPANIES Companies in Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprices.

36 LEADING COMPANIES Companies in Turkey’s second top 500 industrial enterprices.

37 FOREIGN TRADE Export trend (million $) for last decades. Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry

38 Kayseri exports to 159 countries. Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry FOREIGN TRADE

39 Kayseri imports from 64 countries. Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry FOREIGN TRADE

40 First 10 countries in export. values: million $ Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry

41 First 10 countries in import. values: million $ Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry FOREIGN TRADE

42 Export distribution by country groups. Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry FOREIGN TRADE

43 Import distribution by country groups. Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry

44 Export distribution by product groups. values: million $ Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry FOREIGN TRADE Iron-steel-copper Electrical home appliances Textile Furniture Mine Food OtherPlastic Steel Door Machine

45 FOREIGN TRADE Iron Copper Metal sheet Textile Raw Material Other Furniture Spare Parts Food Import distribution by product groups. values: million $ Source: Kayseri Chamber of Industry Chamical Plastic Raw Material

46 INVESTMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM Acoording to state aid for investment, Kayseri is located in the second Region of Turkey (TR 72), Minimum 1.000.000 TL investment should be done to benefit general incentive; VAT and Custom TAX exception. Investment ratios are changed by sector to benefit insurance premium support and tax relief. PROVIDED BY REGIONAL INCENTIVE SYSTEM IN KAYSERİ

47 Entegrated stockbreeding Investments Food products and beverage manufacturing Fishery products Wood and cork Medical Tools Sensitive and Optic Tools Production Education Services Smart and Multi Functional Tecnical Textile Recycling of Dangerous Waste Hospital Investments INVESTMENT SECTORS / 1-3 Million TL INVESTMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM

48 Office, finance and IT equipments Metal Goods Machine and Equipment Manufacturing Electrical Machine and Devices Production Radio, Television, Communication Equipments Devices Furniture Manufacturing Manufacturing of Chemicals and its Products Production of Nonmetalic Mineral Goods Basic Metal Industry out of Iron-Steel, Motorized Land Transport Supplier Industry 3-10 Million TL INVESTMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM

49 Hotel investment ( minimum 3 stars ) Entegrated stockbreeding Investments ( min 1.000 m 2 ) Greenhouse ( min 40.000 m 2 ) Student Dormitories ( min. 100 students ) SPECIFIC SECTOR REQUIREMENTS INVESTMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM

50 Investment contrubution rate % 15. Tax reduction rate % 40. Social security premium employer share 3 year investments done in Organized Industry Zones. Investment goods are exempt from VAT & Custom Duty. Investment land can be allocated SUPPORT MEASURES INVESTMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM


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