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Fast. abuses Penance Self-Harm for Atonement Unhealthy Extremes Spiritual Revelation.

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Presentation on theme: "Fast. abuses Penance Self-Harm for Atonement Unhealthy Extremes Spiritual Revelation."— Presentation transcript:

1 fast

2 abuses Penance Self-Harm for Atonement Unhealthy Extremes Spiritual Revelation

3 preparation Moses, Elijah, and Jesus Barnabas & Saul (Acts 13:2-4) Elders (Acts 14:23)

4 repentance Nineveh (Jonah 3:6-10) Israel (Joel 2:15-17) Saul (Acts 9:9)

5 mourning “sackcloth & ashes” Job (Job 1:20-22; 2:11-13) David (2 Samuel 12:16)

6 when you fast Matthew 6:16 Jesus assumed that his disciples would fast, but never for show.

7 healthy Matthew 6:17 Fasting is not supposed to be a threat to health or to alter our appearance.

8 secret Matthew 6:18 Fasting is before God. Both the practice and the benefits are mostly private.

9 connected Giving – Matthew 6:1-4 Praying – Matthew 6:5-15 Fasting – Matthew 6:16-18 Valuing – Matthew 6:19-24 Depending – Matthew 6:25-34

10 “I think the Scriptures teach very plainly that it is the duty of Christians to fast. The Savior in the Sermon on the Mount, gives directions for giving alms (Matt. 6:1-4), for praying (vs. 5- 15), and for fasting (vs. 16-18). The three duties are treated here exactly alike, as though they are equally binding...our faith may be increased by prayer and fasting, so our spirituality will be increased...” David Lipscomb

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