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Page 14 Wishful Thinking Listen and discuss Make a wish!

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1 Page 14 Wishful Thinking Listen and discuss Make a wish!

2 Wish and Hope The differences between the verb wish and the verb hope. wish often refers to something that is not expected to happen. Such as, I wish I have a better job Hope indicates that the event might happen. Such as, I hope I get the job I applied for last week.

3 Listen and Discuss Page 14

4 If clause (اذا او لو) الشرطية
(اذا او لو) الشرطية All previous sentences started with (IF clause),…and the second part with (would, might, could… In case of Imaginary situation) If clause (Simple Past tense) is conditional sentence in Imaginary Situations. (Unreal) If I found a million dollars, I might keep it. If I found a million dollars, I would keep it.

5 if-clause can come at either the beginning or the end of a sentence
If I found a million dollars, I might keep it. I might keep a million dollars If I found it. If I found a million dollars, I wouldn’t take it to the police. I wouldn’t take a million dollars to the police If I found it.

6 What a bout you Try to answer the previous questions by your own words. Only use I would to answer.

7 I would travel to the moon
Now, try to answer varied questions. You can use I would, I might, I could… 1. If I were the president of United State, I would spread peace 2. If I could fly, I would travel to the moon 3. If I had one billion Saudi Ryals, I might buy a new car 4. If I were a bet taller, I could play basket ball 5. If I were you, I would study English hard

8 Conditional (IF) with imaginary situation
استخدام (اذا- لو) في المواقف التخيلية(غير حقيقية). We use conditional (If) : نستخدم (اذا) الشرطية في الحالات التالية: 1. In imaginary situations. Unreal في المواقف التخيلية وليست حقيقية. Example: If I had wings, I would fly high. لو امتلكت اجنحة, لودت ان اطير

9 2.Past Tense comes after (if) clause.
زمن الماضي ياتي بعد اداة الشرط (اذا) مباشرة. Example: If I found money, I wouldn’t keep it. لو وجدت مالا, لن احتفظ به. 3. We use (I) with (were) with conditional (If). نستخدم الضمير( I ) مع فعل الكينونة (were ) في حالة لو الشرطية. Example: If I were a very rich man, I would donate to poor people. لو كنت غني جدا, لتبرعت للناس الفقراء.

10 Extraterrestrials (n)
New word Meaning Desert islands (n) جزر الصحراء Split (v) يقسم - يوزع Extraterrestrials (n) مخلوقات فضائية Keep (v) يحتفظ بـ Empire (n) امبراطورية Round (n) حول Universe (n) الكون-العالم In touch (n) يتواصل معـ Leader (n) قائد whole (n) جميع - كل Game show (n) برنامج مسابقات Lonely (n) وحيدا Prize (n) جائزة- هدية Cash (n) نقدا Encounter (v) يقابل- يواجة Invest (v) يستثمر

11 Quick Check A. Vocabulary. Match to form new words or expressions. 1. desert ___ 2. keep ___ 3. close ___ 4. whole year ___ 5. split ___ d. Island a. round b. the prize c. in touch d. island e. encounter c. In touch e. encounter a. round b. the prize

12 True B. Comprehension. Answer true or false
1. ___ Saeed would take his cell phone to a desert island. 2. ____ Steve would like to be a Roman emperor. 3. ___ Bob would ask an extraterrestrial about life on other planets. 4. ___ If Ahmed could live any place in the world, he’d live in Hawaii. 5. ___ If Hameed could, he would change the way he looks. 6. ___ Leonard would like to find out about future technologies. True False True True False True

13 2 Pair Work Page 15 A. Give your answers to the questions
in the article. If I could take only one thing with me to a desert island, I’d take my smartphone. B. Find sentences that are wishes in the texts you read. Make questions for those wishes and ask them to your friend. See the example below. * Do you wish you had a lot of money? * Yes, I do. Then I would be able to travel. C. List some common wishes, and compare your list with a partner.

14 Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني
Prepared by اعداد المعلم Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني All Copy Rights © Reserved 2015 

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