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Suffixes – ing – ness -ion. shopping dancing swimming.

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Presentation on theme: "Suffixes – ing – ness -ion. shopping dancing swimming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suffixes – ing – ness -ion

2 shopping

3 dancing

4 swimming

5 action

6 illness

7 happiness

8 Verb/Adjective +Suffix Noun meet sing + ing meeting singing feel hunt tell play paint read feeling hunting telling playing painting reading

9  ill  blind + ness illness blindness sickness sadness richness kindness darkness coldness fitness greatness business ugliness happiness sick sad rich kind dark cold fit great busy ugly happy

10 prevention examination prevent examine + ion invention collection attraction exhibition donation education introduction operation celebration pollution production organization preparation invitation invent collect attract exhibit donate educate introduce operate celebrate pollute produce organize prepare invite

11 小结  1. 一般动词加 ing 变成名词。  2. 一般形容词加 ness/less 变成名词  3. 一般以 te/t 结尾的动词加 ion 变成名词  小提示:当加上后缀时,有时我们要改变动 词的 / 形容词的词尾。  Shop-shopping, happy-happiness, decide-decision, invite-invitation


13 Change verbs and adjectives into nouns fly __________ die_________ collect__________ invite__________ begin_________ kind_____________ rich__________ organize__________ donate_________ ugly______________ educate_________ sick______________ flyingdying collectioninvitation beginningkindness richnessorganization donation ugliness education sickness

14 Exercises: 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 All of the students like her because of her ___________(kind). 2 We made ____________(advertise) on TV. 3 The patients don’t have to pay for the _________(treat). 4 The children will be able to get ___________(educate). kindness advertisements treatment education

15 5.He didn’t come to school yesterday because of his _________(ill). 6.Would you please show me your __________ (collect). 7.Look, there is an _____________ (advertise) on the wall. 8.The old man is badly ill, he needs an ____________(operate ) at once. 9.You must pay more attention to your _________(safe). illness collection advertisement operation safety


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