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BSBCMN205A Use Business Technology Introduction 1 Select and Use Technology.

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1 BSBCMN205A Use Business Technology Introduction 1 Select and Use Technology

2 What is this unit about? 2 This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to select, use, and maintain business technology. This technology includes the effective use of computer software to organise information and data. BSBCMN205A This unit also describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and produce a range of business documents expressing complex ideas and requiring varying and complex formats, e.g. formal reports. SITXADM003A In addition, the unit incorporates COM01B, “Success in Tertiary Education” which will develop your research and study skills in a tertiary education environment.

3 What will you learn? 3 How to select and use technology How to process and organize data. How to maintain technology How to determine document requirements Conduct research Prepare documents Follow up documents

4 Assessment Methods 4 Practical Demonstrations Project Knowledge based test

5 The Process 5  The process of using and maintaining business technology can be a time-consuming and expensive process.  In many cases the inexperienced manager underestimates the energy, effort, and cost involved and ends up with a less then perfect result.

6 Resource Allocation 6  Each and every business faces a challenge to allocate its resources to achieve the maximum benefit possible.  Resources wasted mean a loss of potential for the operation where less than the best result possible is achieved.  As business becomes more competitive, more cost conscious and the business environment more complex, so the need to make the most of resources becomes greater.  To allocate resources to achieve the best possible return requires the best possible information.

7 Information Systems 7  This is the process of collecting, processing and sorting data into information, which is presented as reports.  It involves the coordination and control of people, procedures, hardware, software, and legal requirements into a system that produces the required information.

8 Information Processing Cycle 8 DATA PROCESS I NFORMATION

9 Data and Information 9  Data consists of facts and figures that are collected within the business as well as from external sources. Dockets, invoices, orders, accounts, surveys, etc are data that can be used to produce the information required by managers within an organisation.  The data that is to be collected will be determined by the information needs of the establishment.  A piece of data is collected because it will be required to produce some information. If the data is not collected then the information cannot be produced.

10 Information and decisions 10  Every decision made by management needs information on which to the decision can be based.  Therefore any decision can only be as good as the information that is used to make the decision.  Good information will allow resources to be better allocated to meet the needs and objectives of the business.  Good timely information is the result of data capture, retrieval and storage.

11 Seven attributes of information 11 1. Accurate (information that is true and correct) 2. Reasonable Cost (the value of information greater than cost) 3. Complete (must present a complete picture) 4. Auditable (ability to verify the information) 5. Relevant (is it relevant to the situation) 6. Timely (information is available as required) 7. Reliable (how well does it fit with the other six)

12 The User 12 Any person or body relying on the information from a system is said to be a user. E.g.: Managers, banks, governments, ATO, clients or customers, competitors, investors, potential employees, as well as many others. These people and organisations must be considered when the design and operation of the information system is considered.

13 Activity 13 In pairs select a different department of a hotel operation and write down as many ways in which that department may use a computer system and the sort of data they will collect and for what purpose. Also, note how this data may affect or be used by other Tourism/Hospitality organisations that are engaged in the information cycle for your guest.

14 The Importance Business Technology assists with Data collection Storage Analysis But it’s the employees who have to interpret the data, and convert it to usable information 14

15 The manager’s role 15 Managers operate as problem solvers. They usually have five managerial roles: Planning; Training; Organising; Directing and Controlling

16 16 Problems that management faces can be classified into three general categories or types: Structured, Unstructured and Semi-structured The type and range of problems that management face will have implications for the design of the information system.

17 Structured problems 17 A structured problem is one that occurs frequently and has clear steps to be followed to correct the problem. It is imperative that any efficient information system be designed to ensure that the structured information needs of the establishment are met. Examples of structured problems are: a) Who is working this week; b) how many people are booked into the restaurant; c) what were the sales for the week.

18 Semi-structured problem 18 These are in between the structured and unstructured problems. They are not unique but neither are they frequent. Often this means that a general data collection process is required to provide information to solve the problem. Example would be creating a new menu.

19 Unstructured problems 19 The unstructured problem is never encountered frequently and is often a one-off situation that may never be seen again. These problem types dominate the higher levels of management are need to be handled on a needs basis.

20 Management levels 20 Strategic Manager The strategic manager is a top level manager and is responsible for setting the long term goals for the organisation. They face unstructured or semi-structured problems. Their most common management role is organising and planning. The strategic manager needs summarised information that covers both past and present operations and includes future projections.

21 21 Tactical Manager The tactical or middle-level manager performs all five roles of management. The strategic manager sets the goals and the tactical manager makes the decisions on how to achieve those goals. These may be financial budgets, advertising budgets, resource allocation, performance evaluations. Their main information needs are internal but they may need some external information. Many organisations are replacing middle managers with computerised information systems.

22 22 Operational Manager The operational or low-level managers are concerned with the day to day operations of the establishment. They would be concerned with stock levels, inventory lists, staff rosters, hygiene issues and other daily events. The operational manager needs very detailed information concerning there area of responsibility.

23 Managing Business Technology – today & tomorrow Managerial Focus Differentiation New products & services Core Competencies Pre-emptive Application Strategic Positioning & Competitive Advantage Value-Adding 23

24 Activity 24 In pairs write down examples of each type of manager that would exist within your Hotel/Resort environment and your thoughts as to how they incorporate IT into their daily operations and the sorts of data they collect to make informed decisions.

25 Bibliography 25 Dwyer, J. 2009 The Business Communications Handbook, 8 th Edn. Pearson: Australia

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