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Cathy Rosenthal Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts.

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Presentation on theme: "Cathy Rosenthal Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cathy Rosenthal Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts

2 This Morning: Tools Presentation (25 minutes) Exercise – 15 minutes Quick Break (5 minutes) Suitewater used in Planning Presentation (20 minutes) Exercise – 15 minutes Suitewater used for grants Presentation (10 minutes) Randy Wiggins (20-25 minutes) Questions (Please ask at ANYTIME)

3 What’s new in Suitewater! 1. Watershed Boundary outlines more defined 2. 12 Digit HUC Boundaries 3. Legend scrollbar 4. Navigation Locate Tools, Location (Lat. / Long, UTM) 5. Base Data on / off 6. Background Transparency 7. Visible Layer tool with Base Data 8. Web Soil Survey Tool 9. Map Graphics Tool – Draw 10. Snotel Color Change 11. Updated layers

4 Try them out! 1. Watershed Boundary outlines more defined 2. 12 Digit HUC Boundaries (layers, water resources, micro- watersheds) 3. Legend scrollbar (Landcover) 4. Navigation Locate Tools, Location (Lat. / Long, UTM) 5. Base Data on / off 6. Background Transparency 7. Visible Layer tool with Base Data 8. Web Soil Survey Tool 9. Map Graphics Tool – Draw 10. Snotel Color Change 11. Updated layers

5 Still need Feedback As we go through exercises today, please take note of how the functions are working and what else you would like to see within the mapping portal of Suitewater? Working on obtaining other layers like Points of Diversion, Water Rights, Sage Grouse Leks, Other suggestions?! The more we use it the more we understand it.

6 Tools – BLM Federal Mngt Activities

7 How is this information useful and when would I use it? Quick Allotment Statistics without going to BLM website. Helpful resource for Rangeland Health Assessment planning. Cooperating status when dealing with agencies on grazing issues.

8 For Example: An environmental interest group has filed a suit against grazing permits in the Upper Green River watershed, claiming that sufficient water is unavailable for Sage Grouse support, and claiming that livestock grazing is the most driving land use in the area.

9 Where is the Upper Green? Locate Tool What Allotments are present? Cadastral and Land Descriptions Land Management BLM Management Identification Tool Sage Grouse Habitat? Fish and Wildlife Sage Grouse Core Areas Where is Water Developed? Water Resources SEO Permitted Dams SEO Permitted Water Wells Visible Layer Attribute Tool – Gauge Station What Other Majors Activities Are Present? Economics and Energy WOGCC - Permitted Wells Display Output

10 Similar capabilities with Grazing Allotments - USFS

11 Tools – EPA EnviroMapper

12 How is this information useful and when would I use it? Quick reference for looking up who has a permit to discharge Helpful resource and backup check during TMDL development and other planning. Downloadable data on permitted discharges

13 Tools – Web Soil Survey

14 Web Soil Survey – Subdivision Review Building Site Development Dwellings With Basements Dwellings Without Basements Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway Local Roads and Streets Shallow Excavations Small Commercial Buildings Land Management Potential Erosion Hazard (Off-Road, Off-Trail) Potential Erosion Hazard (Road, Trail) Sanitary Facilities Septic Tank Absorption Fields Water Features Flooding Frequency Class

15 Tools – Web Soil Survey


17 Check out

18 Tools – Web Soil Survey


20 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Its not mandatory to have a local land use or natural resource plan to allow local governments to participate in federal agency decisions, however having a local land use or natural resource plan does provide additional mandatory considerations to federal agencies in making decisions impacting local counties or Conservation Districts. Under NEPA, local governments can participate in federal agency decision making processes as “cooperating agency” based upon their status & programmatic expertise.

21 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Wyoming Conservation Districts have expertise related to conservation of soil and water resources, control and prevention of erosion, conservation, development, utilization of water, etc.

22 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Data or information provided by a local government to the federal government should always be viewed in the light of how will this information be used to inform the preferred NEPA alternative and final decision. Thus, to ensure federal decision contain a full discussion and consideration of local needs as expressed by impacted local governments, local land use or natural resource plans should be geared to providing current information and estimated future impacts related to the environment, social and economic factors.

23 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Example: Conservation District has a land use plan that states is supports continued agricultural production on private lands or multiple use on federal lands. This plan should include data discussing the current agriculture status within the Conservation Districts jurisdiction, circulating dollars, related industry jobs, environmental impacts of the agriculture industry, etc.

24 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Environmental Issues to be included in a land or resource management plan from a local government’s perspective may include: Description of Current Condition – Environmental Issues Rangeland Resources Soil Water Resources (including quality & yield) Riparian Habitat Wildfire Stormwater Management Wildlife Resources Silviculture and Timber Resources Flood Prevention

25 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Current Agriculture Status / Rangeland Resources Environmental Impacts / Issues

26 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Description of Current – Social / Custom and Culture Description of Local History Description of human behavior related to how the local citizens related to each other and to their environment including: Population information & statistics Social behavior Social institutions Cultural influences

27 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning Social Custom & Culture

28 Using Suitewater for Federal Land Planning The local land use plan can start to predict the future impact that such decisions would have on the local government and local citizens. By trying different tools within Suitewater, you can start to see the big picture.

29 Exercise 1: The BLM has proposed to designate Sections 25,26, and 35 of Township 50N 91W as a Wilderness Study area. Using Suitewater what Environmental impacts could this designation effect? What comments would you provide to the BLM on this proposed designation?

30 Exercise 2: The Yellow-billed Cuckoo is listed as a Candidate species by the USFWS. If this species became endangered, what economic implications could this have on Ag. producers as well as Energy Development. How would you frame your comments based on where you are located: Sheridan County Crook County Natrona County Goshen County Bighorn County

31 Using Suitewater for Watershed Planning Example: Washakie County Conservation District Sage Creek / Slick Creek Watershed Implementation Plan

32 Using Suitewater for BMP Watershed Planning &implementation Used at one of the first meetings to develop priority areas Irrigated Lands Land Use Population Used at Steering Committee meetings to understand topography of the watershed Irrigation canals Center Pivots

33 Using Suitewater when applying for grants Suitewater can be used to fill out basic project information for grants such as: WDA Rangeland Health Assessment Water Quality Funding Natural Resource Trust Fund WDEQ 319 Funding NRCS National Water Quality Initiative


35 Rangeland Health Assessment Program Calculate Acres for BLM, USFS, State Private List Partners Use BLM and USFS Allotment Tool

36 Natural Resource Trust Fund Many options Project Description (Land Use) Project Location (Cadastral) Wildlife & Plant Species (Fish & Wildlife, USFWS Ecologcial Services Species) Habitat Type (Land Use)

37 What’s next with Suitewater Additional applications Sage grouse leks, Water Resource information, Tree / Shrub information, etc. Update on Parcel information. Phase II Migration to HTML5, iPad and iPhone compliant Storage for documents, photographs, data, FTP, etc. Getting VERY close! Microsoft 360,,, Goolge Apps for Business, others Keep working with WyGISC, Randy Wiggins Possibly work with WDEQ on BMPs Do we want to expand to others??

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