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Offsprings resemble their parents (Inheritance) Parents transmit their characteristics to their offsprings. Flies produce flies, pine trees produce pine.

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Presentation on theme: "Offsprings resemble their parents (Inheritance) Parents transmit their characteristics to their offsprings. Flies produce flies, pine trees produce pine."— Presentation transcript:


2 Offsprings resemble their parents (Inheritance) Parents transmit their characteristics to their offsprings. Flies produce flies, pine trees produce pine trees, etc. All organisms have a genetic code and their inherited traits are based on the DNA of that particular organism’s species.

3 GENETICS (Chapter 11) Mr. Victor M. Galdo Science Department BOOKER T. WASHINGTON S.H.S

4 GENETICS – Copy the key terms on the questions column and define them on the notes section: 1) Fertilization 2) True-breeding 3) Trait4) Hybrids 5) Genes 6) Alleles 7) Homozygous8) Heterozygous 9) Gametes – sex cells 10) Principle of Dominance 11) Principle of Segregation 12) Phenotype13) Genotype 14) Punnett Squares

5 GENETICS - It is the study of heredity Gregor Mendel’s work with pea plants was key to understanding biological inheritance. Key terms: 1)Fertilization – during sexual reproduction male and female reproductive cells join. 2)True-breeding – organisms that self- pollinate producing offspring identical to themselves. 3)Trait – a specific characteristic, i.e., color, size, etc. It could be dominant, represented by capital letters, i.e., Y, R, etc., or it could be recessive, represented by lower case letters, i.e., y, r, etc.

6 GENETICS - It is the study of heredity. Key terms (continuation) : 4) Hybrids – offsprings of crosses between parents with different traits. 5) Genes – chemical factors that determine traits. 6) Alleles – different forms of a gene. 7) Homozygous – organisms that has two identical alleles for a particular trait. It is represented by using same case letters, i.e., as YY, rr, etc. (True breeding) 8) Heterozygous - organisms that has two different alleles for a particular trait. Represented as Yy, Rr, etc. (Hybrid) 9) Gametes – sex cells

7 GENETICS (cont.) MENDEL’S CONCLUSIONS: PRINCIPLE OF DOMINANCE – some alleles are dominants and other are recessive. PRINCIPLE OF SEGREGATION – alleles are separated when the gametes (sex cells) are produced.

8 Probability - Logging the Data

9 GENETICS (CONT.) Probability The likelihood that a particular event will occur is called probability (coin example). The principles of probability can be used to predict the outcome of genetic crosses. Key terms – 1) Phenotype = 2) Genotype = Punnett Squares: A diagramm that helps determine the results from a genetic cross.

10 QUESTIONS & SUMMARY Using the High School Question Task Cards write at least 5 questions about today’s notes. Write your summary.

11 Output Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the concepts of homozygous and heterozygous. IT MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST 5 ITEMS IN TOTAL. Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the concepts of homozygous and heterozygous. IT MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST 5 ITEMS IN TOTAL. Short answer: Explain why although brothers and sisters come from the same parents they don’t look exactly alike? Short answer: Explain why although brothers and sisters come from the same parents they don’t look exactly alike? GIZMO – GIZMO – Mouse Genetics (One Trait) & Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

12 LAB - Genetics 1 and 2 Traits Traits: Eyes B = Brown eyesb = green eyes Traits: Eyes B = Brown eyesb = green eyes HeightT = Tallt = shortt* = dwarf HeightT = Tallt = shortt* = dwarf Give one card with his / her traits to each student. Write your name on the corresponding period. Give one card with his / her traits to each student. Write your name on the corresponding period. Students move around the class and “mate” with three partners, record the number (1 thru 29), name and traits of each of your partners (15 – 20 minutes). Students move around the class and “mate” with three partners, record the number (1 thru 29), name and traits of each of your partners (15 – 20 minutes). Report (on the Output – left part – of your notebook): Report (on the Output – left part – of your notebook): 1) For Partner #1: Title and build a Punnett Square that describes the probability, in %, of eye color for your progeny. 2) For Partner #2: Title and build a Punnett Square that describes the probability, in fractions, of the height for your progeny. 3) For Partner # 3: Title and build a Punnett Square that describes, in %, the phenotype and the genotype of the F1 generation. WRITE THE NAME OF YOUR PARTNER FOR EACH PUNNETT SQUARE

13 Punnett Square Examples 1 Trait2 Traits

14 REVIEW LESSON brid.htm brid.htm brid.htm brid.htm QUIZ - GIZMO – QUIZ - GIZMO – Mouse Genetics (One Trait) & Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

15 Meiosis Power Point Presentation: s/biol1010- podgorski/Summer%2006/PowerP oints/Meiosis%2006.ppt#294,1,Sli de1 s/biol1010- podgorski/Summer%2006/PowerP oints/Meiosis%2006.ppt#294,1,Sli de1

16 Meiosis – Class Work (cont.) As a class read & observe the figures on pages 275 – 278. Hands On: Study the stage of Meiosis that appears in your index card (provided by the teacher). Using the small boards, draw, label and title your stage of meiosis. In order stand and explain to the rest of the class the stage of meiosis that you draw in the small board. Take Cornell style notes as others explain their stages.

17 Meiosis – Class work Grading Key Reading – class participation points. Team work, behavior & involvement (1 grade) Small Board: Must Include: (1grade) a) Title b) Drawing – with at least 3 colors c) All the labels related with the stage (must be readable) d) Name of the team members. Presentation – Participation, explanations, answer questions, asks questions, behavior, posture, voice. (1 grade) Cornell Notes (1 grade)

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