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Towards Open Access in the Netherlands. Agenda  What is Open Access?  Goals of Open Access in the Netherlands  Why Open Access is important?  Green.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Open Access in the Netherlands. Agenda  What is Open Access?  Goals of Open Access in the Netherlands  Why Open Access is important?  Green."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Open Access in the Netherlands

2 Agenda  What is Open Access?  Goals of Open Access in the Netherlands  Why Open Access is important?  Green versus gold route  Implementation of the government policy  Progress of the consortium negotiations 2

3 What is Open Access?  Open Access is free access to scientific information such as journal articles.  Video about Open Access source: Centre Cyfrowe, Poland 3

4 Why Open Access is important? 4

5 Dutch OA policy Sander Dekker, State Secretary Department of Education, Culture and Science:  Most research is publicly funded and therefore needs to be freely accessible to the public.  Open Access is beneficial to science, and also to society. Targets:  2018: 60% publications Open Access  2024: 100% publications Open Access 5

6 Green versus gold route GreenGold Authors make their own work publicly available. Publications are made freely accessible immediately. Online publication via (institutional) repository. Online publication through the publishers' own platforms. But in many cases there is an embargo on the final version of articles, so author-versions are published. Researchers or funder of institution pays APC (article processing costs) or other payment but no subscription. No change of business model for publisher required. Big change of business model for publishers. 6 The Netherlands strongly prefer the Gold Route.

7 Implementation consists of the following measures 1.Negotiate Open Access with publishers 2.Cooperate internationally 3.Intensify Open Access advocacy 4.Monitor whether target figures for Open Access publications will indeed be achieved 7

8 Negotiations big-deals  The big-deal negotiations offer an opportunity to put (the transition to) Open Access on the agenda  The idea is: no new big-deals without a serious step towards Open Access  Negiotiation teams consist of:  Association of Universities in the Netherlands  University libraries and National Library  Surfmarket 8

9 Division of tasks, role of the libraries  VSNU is in the lead  Libraries have an important advisory role and role in the preparation of the negotiation files and communication to researchers  Negotiations with big publishers are led by a board member of a university  Negotiations with smaller publishers are led by a library director  Surfmarket advises and supports 9

10 Engaging researchers? 10

11 Engaging researchers!  Letter from the president of the VSNU in July 2014  Monthly newsletter  Events, speeches & (social) media!  Making use of the network of the libraries  Short films on the importance of open access 11

12 Status negotiations by publisher PublisherStatus (September, 2015) Elsevier Negotiations continue, but parties are still far apart. Existing contract has been extended for 1 year, but is cancelled by December 31, 2015. Springer An agreement has been reached: from January 1, 2015 onwards NL researchers can publish Open Access in around 1500 Springer journals. Wiley Agreement reached for 2015. Wiley and the universities worked out an Open Access programme starting from 1 September 2015, as preparation for a more extensive open access deal in 2016. Sage Proposal was submitted, agreement to be expected anytime now. Oxford University Press Existing contract with OUP has been extended for 1 year to discuss Open Access further. Other Currently negotiations will start with a few other publishers (ACS, Kluwer and Taylor & Francis); teams are ready to start. 12

13 Springer deal details 13 All articles from1-1-2015 1500 journals Almost budget neutral, instead of paying for subscriptions and APC’s, paying for APC’s and 100% subscription discount.

14 Elsevier offer 14 Goal VSNU: All articles from 1-1-2015 Discount on subscriptions (price level 2009) No extra payments for APC’s. Goal Elsevier: Price increase for subscriptions and individual payments for APC’s.

15 Other steps  International cooperation: a non-paper was published by the government NL and UK.  Open Science will be a priority for the Dutch EU presidency in 2016.  Intensify advocacy.  Agreements how to monitor Open Access have been made.  International Open Access week in the third week of October. 15

16 What can you do? Science has an international context. Therefore we need to work together in an international context to reach our goals. We need your help!  Support Open Access publishing  Publish your articles in the repository's of your University  Change the rules about funding  Stop with editorial work for journals that do not publish Open Access. 16

17 To conclude  Open Access has the full attention in the Netherlands.  Negotiations go slowly, but important small steps have been taken.  The agreements with Springer, Sage and Wiley are a milestone. Other initiatives have been taken like LingOA, Linguistics in Open Access.  Holland is a small country, we need to work together in an international context to reach our goals. We need your help! 17

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