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Experience of Strategic Planning Kazakhstan High-Level Forum Bishkek, 17-19 May 2006.

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1 Experience of Strategic Planning Kazakhstan High-Level Forum Bishkek, 17-19 May 2006

2 Questions for discussion Statistics in the system of strategic planning of the country New approach for development of strategy Stages of development Programme up till 2008 as an example of new approach implementation

3 System of planning in RK Strategic planning Medium term planning Annual planning Strategy 2030 Strategy 2010 Programme of the Government Plan of socio- economic development Fiscal policy State and branch programmes Address of the President Budget

4 Why new approach was required The coverage of the entire activity can be efficient at the stage of development of new statistics, when changes of all the system are required. By 2005 the new system of statistics has been created on the whole and it can function irrespective of availability of the programme Why strategy is needed in these conditions ? For solution of complicated problems of today. This is a new task and new strategy is needed for its solution

5 Distinction of new approach : «steps” in strategy development Old approach Entire activity Directions of activity Measures for each direction New approach Problem of today, target Logic of solution (implementation) Directions of solution (works) Mechanism of implementation and criteria of implementation Volume and costs of works

6 Step 1. Evaluation of the situation for identification of the topical problem What is topical? Low quality of data and heavy burden on small business Information for SNA is not sufficiently comparable Calculation of volume indices is time consuming process New data are needed on: tourism, middle class, trade via Internet, etc. What is the reason? The standards are not used on: structural statistics, short-term statistics, statistics of branches of economy, quality and metadata, other directions. Therefore the standards should be introduced

7 Step 1. Identification of goals There are many standards and recommendations, how to select those which are needed to be introduced? There is an experience of Eastern European countries. They have passed this way before us. We need the set of standards which reflects the requirements of Eurostat for the countries of Eastern Europe which are entering the EU. We have formulated concrete goals

8 Step 2. Determination of the logic of solution: fоr each standard specific measures for introduction were determined including dates of their implementation Year 3Year 2Year 1 Step А1Step А2Step А3Standard А Step B1Step B3Step B4Standard ВStep B2 Step С1Step С2Standard СStep B5Step С3

9 Step 3. Determination of directions of work Analysis has shown that it is needed to execute many homogeneous and duplicating each other measures Homogeneous measures were distributed by five kinds or directions of work Year 3Year 2Year 1 Direction of works 1 Direction of works 2 Direction of works 3 Direction of works 4 Direction of works 5 Step А1 Step B 1 Step А2 Step B5 Step А3 Step B2 Step С2 Шаг B4 Step B3 Step С3 Step С1

10 Steps 4 and 5. Formation of plan and budgetary requirements Mechanism of implementation Costs = Budgetary requirement Direction of work = Section of the plan Criteria of implementation

11 Practical implementation of approach: Programme for 2006-2008 Goal: Improvement of quality of data through introducing EU standards Tasks: 1.Improvement of coordination as essential condition of standards introduction; 2. Development and introduction of methodology for adaptation of the standards; 3. Preparation of analytic reports as the form of dissemination of the results of standards introduction; 4.Creation of integrated information system as the means of standards introduction; 5. International cooperation as the principle of implementation of standards in statistics

12 Goals and tasks: links between them анализ Информ. системы Междун. сотруднич координация методология Цель analysis Information systems International cooperation coordination methodology goal

13 Task 1: Transition to the modern level of coordination of statistical system Introduction of quality management systems in statistics: first stage – for two processes (organization of observations, maintenance of Register) Expansion of the staff of the Agency on Statistics by involving territorial bodies in order to carry out functions on marketing, methodology, analysis, etc. Beginning of works on creation of METIS: Development and Introduction of Classification of forms, formation of metadata register

14 Task 2. Development and introduction of methodology with the purpose of adaptation standards at the national level Development of new State classifications and nomenclature of products in connection with changes of international analogues in 2007 Introduction of new methodology of data collection, based on sample surveys, to reduce burden on enterprises Introduction of new branches and modules of statistics of: disabled persons, middle class, trade via Internet, etc.

15 Task 3. Introduction of system approach to the organization and execution of statistical information analysis Introduction of a standard Conduct of a survey New (improved) data Analytic report (annual coordination of themes with State bodies) users

16 Task 4. Creation of the integrated information system «State Statistics» for the collection, processing, storage and dissemination of data Today: Selected self-dependent complexes, technology for different stages or kinds of works Programme: Development of missing subsystems (Data storage, Register for social statistics, Portal for users, etc. Result: Technology for the system as a whole, from the collection to dissemination of data through Internet, Accounting of burden

17 Task 5. Transition from getting technical assistance to active international cooperation Statistics has 7 agreements and doesn’t have means for cooperation; during 10 years the volume of grants reduced twice Introduction of standards requires not the reduction but expansion of cooperation The Programme envisages to conduct 3 international seminars at the expense of the budget and the work in accordance with the concluded agreements

18 Mechanism of implementation Adoption of normative acts (about the change in structure of the Agency on Statistics), receipt of certificates (for quality system), etc. will be the criteria of coordination measures implementation Individual budget programmes and corresponding control of their implementation are envisaged for methodology and analysis For other measures – budget control, as well as control on the part of other ministries (for information technologies – Agency for Information Systems; for international cooperation – Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

19 Expected results Improvement of management: system of quality, accounting of burden, metadata, transition to a new system of classifications (2008г.) Introduction of new statistical indicators for 14 modules Annual execution of scientific and research works (methodology), analytic reports (approximately for 20 themes) Development and introduction of 5 information systems Conduct of 3 international seminars for the first time on the initiative of Kazakhstan: statistics of tourism, classifications, register of enterprises

20 Achievement of the goal Considerable expansion of the usage of fundamental international standards and recommendations. Increasing on this basis of the efficiency of the system of statistics, improvement of data quality and reduction of respondents burden.

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