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Goal Setting!. With your table partner, discuss... What is a goal? Why do we we need goals?

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting!. With your table partner, discuss... What is a goal? Why do we we need goals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting!

2 With your table partner, discuss... What is a goal? Why do we we need goals?

3 Goals make the impossible….possible! Michael Phelps made his goals very public: he wanted to win 8 Olympic Gold Medals. He holds the record for the most gold medals won in an Olympic event (8 at the Beijing Olympics). He has 22 medals: 18 gold, 2 silver, & 2 bronze His goal was kept next to his alarm clock, so he would see it every morning.

4 SMART goals S – Specific (What exactly do I want to measure?) M – Measurable (How am I going to measure it?) A – Attainable (Is this a reasonable goal?) R – Relevant (What will it look like when I’ve reached it?) T – Time-Bound (When should I reach my goal?)

5 SMART Goal? I will get healthy. Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant Time Bound /Timely

6 SMART Goal? I will get healthy. SpecificNope MeasureableNo AttainableWho knows?! RelevantNo Time Bound /TimelyNo

7 SMART Goal? To improve my back health, I will go to every physical therapy appointment and be no higher than a “2” by 1-22-16. Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant Time Bound /Timely

8 SMART Goal? To improve my back health, I will go to every physical therapy appointment and be no higher than a “2” by 1-22-16. SpecificYes- lower back health MeasureableYes- no higher than a “2” AttainableYes- follow PT’s plan RelevantYes- I need to get healthy Time Bound /TimelyYes- 1-22-16

9 My SMART Goal for you “By April 2016, 70% of all Honors World Studies students will have successfully moved 1 level in the Evidence section on both the district and department rubrics.”

10 What are your SMART goals? YOU have control over your achievements! Write 1 Academic Goal on your SOS Checklist (optional: 1 Personal Goal) We’ll check back in at the end of the semester!

11 Grit! _the_key_to_success_grit

12 Describe how yourgoal fits... Specific – narrow focus Measurable –increase/decrease by a certain amount Attainable – possible, within reach, sensible, practical Relevant – pertainsto you, something you want to do Time Sensitive – set a specific deadlinewith checkpoints along the way

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