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UN Joint Project “UN Initiative in Support of Greater Gender Equality in Georgia” Participating UN Agencies: UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, UN RC Office.

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Presentation on theme: "UN Joint Project “UN Initiative in Support of Greater Gender Equality in Georgia” Participating UN Agencies: UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, UN RC Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN Joint Project “UN Initiative in Support of Greater Gender Equality in Georgia” Participating UN Agencies: UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, UN RC Office Managing Agent: UNFPA Keta Bejanishvili UN Joint Project Coordinator

2 UN Joint Project The First Phase: 2006-2007 Activities and achievements:  The Report on Assessment of Domestic Violence Situation;  The first Country Consultation Meeting on Domestic Violence;

3 UN Joint Project The First Phase: 2006-2007 Activities and achievements:  Capacity building trainings for law enforcement and judges;  Media campaign within the frames of “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence” - 2007.

4 UN Joint Project – Second Phase: 2008-2009 UN INITIATIVE IN SUPPORT OF GREATER GENDER EQUALITY IN GEORGIA Expected Overall Result of the project: National capacities for coordination and collaboration on Gender Equality Issues, including Domestic Violence are strengthened

5 Expected Outputs of the Project o Support in establishment and capacity building of sustainable Gender Equality National Machineries to cooperate with civil society as well as maintain high level policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders o Strengthening Coordination in the field of GE/DV o Strengthening gender mainstreaming in UNDAF/UN system in Georgia o Strengthening Gender aspects of the humanitarian response

6 Activities of the Project Assessment/Monitoring of the implementation progress of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality, State Concept on Gender Equality and international obligations of the Government

7 Activities of the Project Meetings of the Donor Coordination Group working on Gender Issues - Introductory meeting - July 10 th, 2008 -“Gender Aspects of Humanitarian Response” organized by UN JP and the Gender Advisory Council at the Parliament of Georgia – October 24 th, 2008 - Donor Coordination Group meeting on DV/GBV – December, 2008

8 Activities of the Project Capacity Building Training for UN and INGO staff on Gender Aspects of the Humanitarian Operations

9 Activities of the Project UN JP and UNHCR co-funding of the Consultation Center for Women "Sakhli" project “Contributing towards prevention and elimination of SGBV in Georgia: expanded activities in Gori and Tbilisi”

10 Activities of the Project Contribute to creation of the Gender Resource Center in Gori initiated by the Gender Advisory Council at the Parliament of Georgia

11 Activities of the Project Info-sharing meeting of Civil Society, UN and Government representatives in the framework of the “16 days of Activism against Gender -Based Violence” coordinated by the GBV project team

12 “16 days of Activism against Gender -Based Violence” Combating Gender-Based Violence in the South Caucasus Project Country-wide public awareness raising campaign on Gender based violence TV talk-show, TV and radio announcements, movie showing, photo contest, distribution of leaflets, brochures, calendar on 16 days of activism

13 Contact Details: Ms. Keta Bejanishvili UN Joint Project Coordinator Ms. Lela Bakradze, National Programme Officer, UNFPA, Georgia

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