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Exploring the Revised Math Standards 6-8 Austin I.S.D.

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2 Exploring the Revised Math Standards 6-8 Austin I.S.D.

3 Please click on the link below to print out the slide sort activity. Please print and cut out the cards before beginning the module. Participants should work with a partner for this activity. Please click on the link below to print out the gap analysis for middle school. Each participant should have one copy of the gap analysis. RevisedTEKSModule_Cardsort_Gr6 RevisedTEKSModule_GAPS_MS

4 Revised Math Standards 6-8 What do you know? What are your concerns?

5 TEKS Mathematics, Grade 6 Grade 6, Adopted 2012 Current TEKS Revised TEKS

6 Revised TEKS Time Line School YearGr. K – 8High School 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Revision Process April: Approved! June: Posted! Learn, Analyze, Plan Select Materials New TEKS Continue to learn, analyze, and plan New TEKS Select Materials

7 Middle School Strands Grades 6 – 8 Current (until 2014)New (begins 2014-15) Number, Operation & Quantitative Reasoning Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Reasoning Geometry & Spatial Reasoning Measurement Probability & Statistics Underlying Processes and Tools Mathematical Process Standards Number & Operations Proportionality Expressions, Equations, and Relationships Measurement & Data [Two-Dimensional Shapes] Personal Financial Literacy

8 Current (until 2014)New (begins 2014 – 2015) Number, Operation & Quantitative Reasoning Number & Operations Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking Proportionality Expressions, Equations, and Relationships Geometry & Spatial Reasoning Expressions, Equations, and Relationships Measurement & Data Two-Dimensional Shapes – 8 th grade only Probability & Statistics Measurement & Data Measurement Underlying Process Tools Mathematical Process Standards Expressions, Equations, and Relationships

9 Role Play:  You are a 6 th grade teacher.  You are meeting with your grade level team to plan instruction.  Sort the SE cards into two piles: current vs new standards RevisedTEKSModule_Cardsort_Gr6

10 Now it is time to check your work! Current Standard New Standard All New Standards have a period at the end. All other cards represent current standards.

11 2012-2013 Current Standards 2013 – 2014 Current Standards 2014 – 2015 Revised Standards 4 th Grade5 th Grade6 th Grade No Measuring of Angles 4.7E determine the measure of an unknown angle formed by two non-overlapping adjacent angles given one or both angle measures What happens if we make no changes in the 2013-2014 School Year?

12 GAPS What does this mean? 2013 – 2014 School Year 5 th grade teachers will teach these Revised TEKS 6 th grade teachers will teach these Revised TEKS

13 GAPS What does this mean? 2013 – 2014 School Year 6 th grade teachers will teach these Revised TEKS 7 th grade teachers will teach these Revised TEKS TEKS shifted from 8 th Grade to 6 th Grade o 6.2C locate, compare, and order integers and rational numbers using a number line o 6.2D order a set of rational numbers arising from mathematical and real- world contexts o 6.3D add, subtract, multiply and divide integers fluently o 6.11A graph points in all four quadrants using ordered pairs of rational numbers o 6.12A represent numeric data graphically, including dot plots, stem- and-leaf plots, histograms, and box plots o 6.12C summarize numeric data with numerical summaries, including the mean and median (measures of center) and the range and interquartile range (IQR) (measures of spread), and use these summaries to describe the center, spread, and shape of the data distribution

14 Gap Analysis RevisedTEKSModule_GAPS_MS

15 TEA Side by Side


17 Written (Standards) “the what” Taught (Instruction) “the how” Tested (Assessment) What impact does this have on A.I.S.D math curriculum?

18 Taught Curriculum: Instruction Written Curriculum: TEKS Tested Curriculum: STAAR What do you notice about the size of the circles?

19 How will this look for AISD? Accessing the Curriculum

20 Click on the schoolnet icon Accessing the Curriculum


22 Type “math” here

23 Accessing the Curriculum

24 Click on Grade 6 Yearly Itinerary


26 Accessing the Curriculum Click on CRM 1: Order of Operations


28 Assessment Short Cycle Assessments Middle of the Year Benchmarks Classroom Assessments

29 2013-2014 School Year o Become familiar with the revised TEKS o Look at the side by side provided by TEA o Pay close attention to the YI, CRMs and SE Charts o Vertical planning is a must! Don’t Panic

30 Contact Information Austin Independent School District Danielle Perico—Middle School Math Curriculum Specialist 512.414.4682 Yolando Hoard—Elementary Math Curriculum Specialist 512.414.4681

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