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Our Redeemer Lutheran School Our Redeemer Lutheran School 2005-2006 Our Redeemer Lutheran School Our Redeemer Lutheran School 2005-2006 Where excellence.

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2 Our Redeemer Lutheran School Our Redeemer Lutheran School 2005-2006 Our Redeemer Lutheran School Our Redeemer Lutheran School 2005-2006 Where excellence is accomplished with a Christ-centered holistic approach to learning! Where excellence is accomplished with a Christ-centered holistic approach to learning!

3 Teachers / Ms. Shannon: Twos / Ms. Melissa: ABC / Mrs. Prost: Strawberry / Ms. Tanya: Country Kids, Pre-K / Mrs. Smith: Snoopy, Pre-K / Ms. Murray: Kindergarten / Ms. Polcin: Aide / Ms. Karen: Aide / Ms. Barth: Office / Ms. Shannon: Twos / Ms. Melissa: ABC / Mrs. Prost: Strawberry / Ms. Tanya: Country Kids, Pre-K / Mrs. Smith: Snoopy, Pre-K / Ms. Murray: Kindergarten / Ms. Polcin: Aide / Ms. Karen: Aide / Ms. Barth: Office

4 School Day Schedule / School opens at 7:00am and closes at 6:00pm / Preschool from 9:00am to 12:30pm / Kindergarten from 8:30am to 2:45pm / Lunch varies from class to class / Snack time at 9:15am, 2:45pm, and 4:30pm / School opens at 7:00am and closes at 6:00pm / Preschool from 9:00am to 12:30pm / Kindergarten from 8:30am to 2:45pm / Lunch varies from class to class / Snack time at 9:15am, 2:45pm, and 4:30pm

5 Chapel and Jesus Time Chapel and Jesus Time / Daily devotions taught in each class / Chapel once a week on Wednesdays by a rotating teacher schedule / Quarterly church attendance and singing by school children / Holistic approach to learning by interweaving Christianity into the school day / Daily devotions taught in each class / Chapel once a week on Wednesdays by a rotating teacher schedule / Quarterly church attendance and singing by school children / Holistic approach to learning by interweaving Christianity into the school day

6 Kindergarten / Small class size / Language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and music curriculum / Use of computer in the classroom / Field trips / Full day with rest time /S/Small class size /L/Language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and music curriculum /U/Use of computer in the classroom /F/Field trips /F/Full day with rest time

7 Homework / Weekly packet / Home on Wednesdays, back to school on Thursdays / Newsletter on front explains weekly lessons / Incentive to bring it completed and on time / Weekly packet / Home on Wednesdays, back to school on Thursdays / Newsletter on front explains weekly lessons / Incentive to bring it completed and on time

8 Report Cards / 1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter / 1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter

9 Graduation / Caps and gowns / Music / Speakers / Pictures / Reception / Caps and gowns / Music / Speakers / Pictures / Reception

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