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Bringing THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST to the Screen A Film by Mel Gibson and why it is important The reason why Mel Gibson's The Passion of The Christ.

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4 Bringing THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST to the Screen A Film by Mel Gibson and why it is important The reason why Mel Gibson's The Passion of The Christ is such an important film is that it underscores the emotion, pain and passion of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. MEL GIBSON God works in strange ways. The Spirit of God moved on Mel’s heart to bring the passion of Christ to the big screen. Interestingly, Some of Mel's past films have a Christ-like feel to them. Few people are aware that Mel Gibson’s ICON production company brought the well done Acclamation “Miracle Maker” Jesus to the TV screen.

5 Mel Gibson Himself


7 "I want to show the film without subtitles," he added. "Hopefully, I'll be able to transcend language barriers with visual storytelling. If I fail, I'll put subtitles on it, though I don't want to." "The idea came to me 10 years ago and has been rambling around in my empty head, very slowly taking shape ever since," Gibson said. "I think this is a pretty timeless and timely story to tell, involving an area where there's turbulence now just as there was turbulence then because history repeats itself. "I want to show the humanity of Christ as well as the divine aspect," he continued. "It's a rendering that for me is very realistic and as close as possible to what I perceive the truth to be." QUOTE FROM MEL GIBSON

8 ROCK THROWING RELIGIOUS LEADERS ARE TO BLAME FOR THE ATTACK ON MEL GIBSON’S FILM During the summer of 2003 a group of biblical scholars (so-called) associated with the U.S. Bishops Council obtained a stolen copy of an early draft of the script and came forward to denounce it as scripturally incorrect and potentially injurious of Christian- Jewish relations. Mr. Gibson protested, and the bishops more or less fled the scene, but the damage was done. JUST AS WHIPPED JESUS WAS PUBLICLY WHIPPED, SO RELIGIOUS LEADERS "WHIPPED" MEL

9 POPE JOHN PAUL II Dec 5, 2003. John Paul II, who even with the challenges of his current illness has more good sense than many of his cardinals, knew of the controversy surrounding Mr. Gibson's film, and wanted to see it. Producer Steve McEveety, who had flown to Rome uninvited to show the film to as many Vatican officials as he could, gave the DVD to Msgr. Dziwisz on Friday, Dec. 5, 2003. The monsignor and the pope watched it together. Mr. McEveety said of John Paul. "He's pretty well booked. But he really wanted to see it."

10 BILLY GRAHAM On Dec. 01 2003 Billy Graham came to the defence Gibson film on Christ, saying he was "moved to tears." "The film is faithful to the Bible's teaching that we are all responsible for Jesus' death, because we all have sinned," the 85-year-old evangelist said. "It is our sins that caused his death, not any particular group." Billy Graham also stated: "I doubt if there has been a more graphic and moving presentation of Jesus' death and resurrection, which Christians believe are the most important events in human history."

11 Mel Gibson's artistic masterpiece restores the lost dimension of the suffering of the Christ in a very graphic manner (as pictured below).



























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