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Year Four Welcome Meeting 2015 - 2016. Staff in Year 4  Mrs Newbury(Class 12AN)  Mr Barker(Class 13JB)  Mrs Antrobus  Mrs Addis  Mrs Hardwick  Mr.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Four Welcome Meeting 2015 - 2016. Staff in Year 4  Mrs Newbury(Class 12AN)  Mr Barker(Class 13JB)  Mrs Antrobus  Mrs Addis  Mrs Hardwick  Mr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Four Welcome Meeting 2015 - 2016

2 Staff in Year 4  Mrs Newbury(Class 12AN)  Mr Barker(Class 13JB)  Mrs Antrobus  Mrs Addis  Mrs Hardwick  Mr Spann  Miss Stanway

3 P.E.  Twice a week – Thursday – Kit in school at all times.  Swimming started Tuesday 8 th Sept.  Indoor kits - blue t-shirt, black shorts, pumps.  Outdoor – blue t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, jumper, MUGA shoes.  Remove earrings for P.E. days.  MUGA – Tuesdays & Thursdays – pumps / trainers.

4 Reading Books Recommended 10 minutes every evening

5 Reading Books Link to Golden Time Questioning Reading books are changed throughout the week Diaries need to be signed before changing

6 Homework  Children will usually receive three pieces of homework a week.  Homework will be distributed on a Friday.  Collected in on a Wednesday.  Homework must be completed in pencil.

7 Spelling  Children will usually receive a list of words on a Monday.  These should be practised during the week.  They will be tested the following Monday.  Differentiated – practise the highlighted list.

8 New Curriculum 2014  Higher expectations  Emphasis on spelling  12 x 12 times tables

9 School Website   Homework  Newsletters  Learning Platform

10 Year Four Residential  York 14 th -16th October  Wednesday- Friday (two nights)  Mrs Newbury, Mr Barker, Mr Joule  An information meeting will be arranged shortly.

11 Parents’ Evening  Autumn Term: Wednesday 21 st October 4.30 - 7pm Thursday 22 nd October 3.30 – 5.30pm  Spring term

12 Behaviour System  Golden Rules  Golden Time on a Friday  Team Points  Peg system  ‘Time out’  ‘Reflection’  Friday Text message home celebrating children who have not moved their pegs.

13 Any Questions?  If you have any concerns, please feel free to speak to us at any time.

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