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Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb Name: Suciyati Class: 6D Courses: Media and ICT for Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb Name: Suciyati Class: 6D Courses: Media and ICT for Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb Name: Suciyati Class: 6D Courses: Media and ICT for Teaching

2 ICT tools and the usage Information and Communications Technology Created by: Suciyati


4 Since Technology is always advancing, students can ultilize such tools to improve themselves, while teacher can execute their lessons to be fun lesson. There are many ICT tools that is useful for education:

5 1.Interactive Multimedia 2.Computer 3.Internet 4.Television 5.Mobile Gadget 6.Interactive Whiteboard, etc.

6 1.Interactive Multimedia

7 2.Computer

8 3.Internet

9 4.Television

10 5.Mobile Gadget

11 6.Interactive Whiteboard

12 1.Interactive Multimedia  It is a technology which helps to accomodate two or more media such as text, graphic, audio, moving video, static video or animation to become a computer based application.  It accomodates various ways of learning from a simple language learning program, we can use to have discussion forum via internet, and even direc conversiation with native speaker via web-based video convergence. 2.Computer  It is a machine that is able to take information (input), do some work on or make changes to the information, tomake newinformation (output).  A person can control a computer by telling it to do things. Some ways of controlling a computer are with a keyboard, mouse, buttons, touch screen. For teaching that have office software applications. 3.Internet  It is a global system of interconnected computer networks. Extensive and profitable use of internet as a medium of language learning is now being made by many language teacher and learners.  For teaching communications and learning activities through email, the World Wide Web, text, audio and video conferencing are now become part of courses and classes.

13 4.Television  It is an electronic device used to receive sound and images which create television programs that people watch.  To teach with using television we can give a multimedia programmes like combine radio and television broadcast with direct teaching supported by printed and audio visual materials. 5.Mobile Gadget  Laptop, notebook, netbook, and iPad are now used both by students as well as teachers. There are also mobile gadgets such as cell phone and smart phone which are eqquiped with programs like computer.  Use tose gadget and iternet connection, anyone could chat, browse, or discusse with each other. 6.Interactive Whiteboard  It is a large interactive display that connect to a computer. A projector projects the computer’s desktop into the board’s surface where users control the computer using a pen, finger or other device.  As the tittle say, it is interactive. Student can get involve with the whiteboard, teacher can control the board from his/her table and othe application can be used in the class and display for thw class.

14 Conclusion

15 The analysis carried out in the paper confirms the crucial role of the teacher in technology rich learning environments. In particular, such role may (and should from our perspective) go beyond that of assistant or guide for students’ instrumental genesis process. In fact through her interventions the teacher promotes and guides the development of the class discussion, so to foster the production and the evolution of students’ signs towards the target mathematical signs, and to facilitate students’ consciousness raising of the mathematical meanings at stake.

16 Thank You Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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