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National YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers Program Reaching and Serving All People of Color.

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Presentation on theme: "National YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers Program Reaching and Serving All People of Color."— Presentation transcript:

1 National YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers Program Reaching and Serving All People of Color

2 And How Are The Children?

3 What is YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers? The YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers program is an academic achievement/career development initiative for middle school and high school youth and teens of color. The name “Black Achievers” represents and describes the historical origin and mission. However, today, the YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers program is like the national YMCA movement, multi-racial and gender balanced.

4 What is YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers? Because of the growing number of Achievers programs serving Hispanic/Latino teens, some local YMCAs have adapted differing titles to better reach the teens of color in their program service areas (for example, Minority Achievers, Hispanic Achievers, Multi-Cultural Achievers or Y Achievers).

5 Though local program titles may differ, the program purpose and format are the same for African Americans, Latinos or any ethnic group: “ …to help teens of color set and pursue high educational and career goals resulting in high school graduation and acceptance into and graduation from an institution of higher learning and successful entry into a career of their choosing.” Program Purpose

6 Program Goals  Acknowledge professional adults of color.  Build positive assets in youth of color.  Create channels for community involvement by business and industry.  Raise funds for continuing community development by local YMCAs.

7 Gayle Brock National Black/Hispanic Achievers Director, YMCA of the USA National Program Leadership

8 National Advisory Committee  Phillip Miner - Chair Director for Community InitiativesMinnesota Private College Council, Fund and Research Foundation - Woodbury, MN  Vicky White – Vice-Chair Manager, Creative Services- Boeing Company - Seattle WA Writing & Editing  Michelle Johnson Senior Philanthropy Officer Aurora Medical Health Systems - Milwaukee, WI  Carmen Baker Vice President of Diversity Carlson Companies –Minnetonka, MN  Rocio Rodriquez VP of Human Resources Cummins, Inc. – Columbus, IN  Glenda Cousins Vice President Community Dev. MngrUS Bank Corp. – Cincinnati, OH  Jo Harris Director of Community & Movement YMCA of the USA – Dallas, TX Leadership

9  Operating in 32 States. Florida has largest number of programs.  Over 165 programs nationally  30 programs primarily serving Hispanic/Latino teens  Approximately 10,000 - 14,000 youth served annually Achievers Programs Nationally


11 Hispanic Achievers Programs Nationally

12 Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers National data shows education and achievement disparities among African-American and Hispanic U.S. teenagers as compared to their white counterparts. History shows (1980–2000) that the educational attainment gaps between whites and Hispanics, African-Americans and Native Americans is widening. If these educational disparities are not addressed, anticipated demographic shifts will have a major impact on the educational attainment of the U.S. population.

13 Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers % of 18-year-olds in the United States of America  Whites62.6  Blacks 14.1  Hispanics16.2 % of all public high-school graduates  Whites 70.2  Blacks 12.9  Hispanics 11.1  US have 69.7

14 Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers % Enrolled in undergraduate programs  Whites64.5  Blacks11.1  Hispanics9.8 % of BA degrees received  Whites72.4  Blacks8.4  Hispanics5.8

15 Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers African Americans represent 14% of 18- year-olds and only 10% of all college degrees awarded. Sixteen percent of all 18-year-olds in the U.S. are Hispanic and only 7% of all college degrees in the U.S. are awarded to Hispanics.


17 Nationally, the number of high school graduates will increase by 4% between 2003 and 2013. Source: Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (2003) 17

18 Percent Change in Number of High School Graduates by State Projected, 2002-03 to 2012-13 Source: WICHE, 2003 Gain of 10% to 19% Gain of 1% to 9% Loss of 1% to 9% Loss of 10% to 19% Loss of 20% to 27% Gain of 20% to 100% 18

19 Who can affect an even more positive outcome? The National YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers Program

20 The YMCA Black Achievers program provides purposeful, targeted programming geared towards educating minority teens. The program equips teens with skills and competencies needed to gain acceptance to and graduate from institutions of higher learning and successful entry into the workforce. Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers

21 Program Components Academic Enrichment College Preparation Career Exploration Workforce Development College Tours World of Work/Job Shadowing SAT/ACT Preparation and/or Tutoring Corporate Internships College Scholarship Development Leadership Development Programming Regional Teen Summits Alumni Chapters (Teen and Adult) Cultural Enrichment Character/Asset Development Recognition/Fund- Raising Events

22 2009-10 Program Focus Black/Hispanic Achievers Program Curriculum Development Redesign of Youth Achievers Manual Strategic Program Planning College Access Education/Promotion Increase Hispanic Achievers Programs Measurable Outcomes

23 Black Achievers Program Data Nine out of 10 high-school seniors enter post secondary education. Business, Education, Law & Government, Health/Medical, Computer Sciences are the main fields of choice. Nearly 100% of Achievers entering higher education do so with some form of scholarship assistance (Actual figures not available...estimated from director reports.) Tutoring is offered in 56% of Achievers programs. Career Fairs are offered in 58% of Achievers programs. College tours are offered in 79% of Achievers programs. SAT/ACT preparation is offered in 62% of Achievers programs. Cultural awareness (i.e., Black/Hispanic history programs) offered in 44% of Achievers programs. 18% program participants are of Hispanic/Latino descent.018% of program participants are of Asian/Native American or other nationalities..002% program participants did not complete high school.

24 Together, the National YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers program, partnering with committed colleges and universities and corporations, can change these challenges into opportunities for our collective future. Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers

25 A strong tool to wield in helping YMCAs and corporations nationwide reach and develop teens, preparing the way for a stronger future. Why YMCA Black/Hispanic Achievers

26 And Why Do All This? So the Children May Be WELL

27 Gayle Brock National Black/Hispanic Achievers Director YMCA of the USA 312-339-2169

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