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CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Davide Vitè HR-PMD – TEC, 26.09.2006 News from Technical Training TEC, 26.09.2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Davide Vitè HR-PMD – TEC, 26.09.2006 News from Technical Training TEC, 26.09.2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Davide Vitè HR-PMD – TEC, 26.09.2006 News from Technical Training TEC, 26.09.2006

2 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Meeting DTOs and depts. 3 DTOs met during the Summer (PH, AB, IT) –contact with the departments/units –complete round before the end of the year –one DL met in August (PH) –presentation to GLs of IT in October Training request revalidation: completed

3 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development TT course and session news (1) First sessions of new courses –InDesign - Introduction (June, 2 days) –C++ Programming Part 3 - Templates and the STL / Standard Template Library (June, 2 days) –C++ Programming Part 4 - Exceptions (June, 1 day) –Introduction to Databases and Database Design (July, 2 days) –PowerPoint 2003 - niveau 1 : ECDL (September, 4 half days, new ECDL format) –FrontPage 2003 - Level 1 (September, 4 half days, in English, new trainer)

4 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development TT course and session news (2) Recent special course sessions –Tools for Advanced -130nm- CMOS Design (June), 10 participants, organised by PH-MIC –Oracle Server Administration for Experiment Database Teams (August), 16 participants, organised with IT-PSS for PH staff, fellows, students and users

5 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Software and System Technologies: Course Sessions (Oct.-Dec. 2006) C++, Java, Perl, Python, XML, oo programming, [JCOP/PVSS], database design and Oracle Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML: 17-19.10.2006 JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: Web Applications: 19-20.10.2006 JAVA - Level 1: 30.10-1.11.2006 PERL 5 - Advanced Aspects: 2.11.2006 C++ Programming Part 1 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Design and Programming: 14-16.11.2006 JAVA - Level 2: 4-7.12.2006 C++ Programming Part 2 - Advanced C++ and its Traps and Pitfalls: 12- 15.12.2006 JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2: Enterprise JavaBeans :

6 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development WBTechT CERN Web-Based Technical Training –computer-skills portal with multimedia learning – –self-registration, catalogue, course requests –three months' unlimited access 50.- CHF for desktop applications (e.g. Microsoft Office Suite, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop) 90.- CHF for technical applications (e.g. Unix, Oracle, Java, JavaScript, C, C++)

7 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development


9 Training Centre Upgrade 2006 Teaching software for classrooms upgrade from TeachNet (hardware, room 17 only) to NetOp School (software, all training rooms) Sharing and controlling PCs + test platform

10 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development

11 Preparing for 2007... Considering opening sessions of courses not given recently –MAGNE-05: Magnétisme pour l'électrotechnique –Mathlab (suggestion from IT-DES) –Some Oracle courses, following requests –Techniques de collage Any special needs or requests?

12 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Davide Vitè HR-PMD – TEC, 26.09.2006 News from Technical Training TEC, 26.09.2006

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