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Native American basket weaving lesson.   Students were introduced to Mavis Doering and shown pictures of her baskets and those of other Native Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American basket weaving lesson.   Students were introduced to Mavis Doering and shown pictures of her baskets and those of other Native Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American basket weaving lesson

2   Students were introduced to Mavis Doering and shown pictures of her baskets and those of other Native Americans Lesson


4   Students were asked questions about Mavis’ baskets and were asked to discuss what they noticed with Nelson’s questioning strategies. Nelson Strategies

5   Scale: 0-4  Mean: 1.96  Median: 2  Mode: 2 Pre-Assessment Results

6   Question 1: 26 of 27 students were able to identify at least two means of collecting food.  Question 2: No students could name a Native American artist  Question 3: 11 of 27 students were able to identify themes from nature as common symbols  Question 4: 13 of 27 students could name a Native American art form. Forms included pots, baskets, jewelry, knives, and utensils Question by Question

7  Examples

8   Scale: 0-4  Mean: 3.03  Median: 3  Mode: 3 Post Assessment Results

9   Question 1: 26 of 27 students were able to identify at least two means of collecting food – results remained very much the same  Question 2: 1 student correctly named the artist, 11 additional students could record her first name or correctly identified initials  Question 3: 26 of 27 students were able to identify themes from nature as common symbols, and the other described a common pattern (zig zag)  Question 4: 26 of 27 students could name a Native American art form. Baskets were the only art form drawn. The one student who did not draw a basket drew a pattern (zig zag) Question by Question

10  Examples

11   Students were given yarn and pre-made basket frames. Students wove a basket using a pattern of their choice Student Work and Standards

12   Below Expectations: Little attention to detail or incorrectly woven basket  Meets Expectations: Successfully wove a basket with some attention given to detail  Exceeds Expectations: Successfully wove a basket and paid attention to detail Expectations

13  Below Expectations

14  Meets Expectations

15  Exceeds Expectations

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