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Welcome to Chapter 6 Social 30-1 Mr. Tulk. Housekeeping Vocab Books, Let’s get them in! Remember, I need your essays to update that grades. Also, remember.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Chapter 6 Social 30-1 Mr. Tulk. Housekeeping Vocab Books, Let’s get them in! Remember, I need your essays to update that grades. Also, remember."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Chapter 6 Social 30-1 Mr. Tulk

2 Housekeeping Vocab Books, Let’s get them in! Remember, I need your essays to update that grades. Also, remember that if you want to see your test, you need to attend tutorial or make an appointment for after school.

3 Quick Review Classical Liberalism develops out of Mercantilism. Capitalism turns to Laissez-Faire Capitalism. Industrial revolution leads to rejections of the ideology. We see Luddism, Chartism, as well as the development of other ideology developments (Unions, Feminism, welfare capitalism, Etc…) We also see rejections (Communism and Fascism)

4 Let’s discuss Modern Liberalism The Growth of Robber Barons and the seemingly unregulated government led to horrible conditions for workers. It ultimately led to the development of new workers rights, especially in the US and Canada.

5 The change begins Most robber barons were making fortunes. However, the workers were under appreciated. On journalist, Upton Sinclair, writes a book, The Jungle, depicting the lives of meat workers in Chicago. The public out cry led T. Roosevelt to introduce new legislation in 1906 to improve working conditions. Very similar to the factory acts of 1802.

6 Roosevelt We know that this pres. Introduced many reforms, such as the square deal. He also went against major companies, such as Standard Oil and the Rail (transportation) industry.

7 Taft and Sherman Anti-Trust Act Roosevelt successor, William Taft, (1909-1913) moved with Roosevelt's ideas. He began by breaking trusts (large companies that formed monopolies). Equally, the Sherman anti-trust act stopped unfair business practices that led to monopolies. Eventually, Taft used the law to force the disillusion of America largest oil company.

8 What this meant. This was the change from classic liberalism to modern. It limited business growth and took some of the freedoms that business had come to get used to.

9 Desjardins and Credit Unions Big banks controlled the finance of people. Some workers formed Credit Unions that were owned by the people from each plant. They could / would offer loans to people at lower rates with less collateral. They have recently become more like banks. The first ones in North America still exists and was formed in Quebec. Desjardins!

10 The Roaring 20’s A New idea of American Formed. A country based on equality and freedom. Equality of opportunity, not circumstance. This is the notion of the American Dream.

11 The First Red Scare (1917-1920) People in America moved away from Laissez-Faire Capitalism. They witnessed how the Russians were combating classic liberalism. Many politicians and academics felt that America was ready for a Marxist revolution. Support for communism among the working class was becoming more powerful, many flew the red flag of the Bolsheviks.

12 Continued Two parties (Socialist Party of America and the Industrial workers of the world) gained strength. They, like the Russians, opposed involvement in WW1. Many Russian like strikes took place in Cleveland, Seattle, and Pittsburg. The government created more Anti- German Propaganda in order to Focus Americans.

13 Political Conservatism: Harding and Coolidge Pres. Harding wins in 1921 with the largest majority ever. Wanted to return to normalcy (Think Burke). Isolationism- a retreat from affairs of other countries. Nativism- Less immigration and promotion of polices that favor the dominate culture. Reduction of government in personal and business life. Wow, we are really thinking classical conservatism!

14 What he did Reduced taxes. Reduced immigration by 75% in an attempt to strengthen American ethnicity. Attempted to stop foreign competition or products in America. Coolidge takes power after Harding and is openly Classical Conservative. He began to support farmers and further reduced immigration. Banned Asian immigration completely.

15 Economic Prosperity and Consumerism After a brief recession after WW1 the US began a large economic growth. The ideas of the New Laissez-Faire Capitalism led people like Henry Ford to generate major wealth. This led to cheaper products and the idea of consumerism. This is a cool video, really gives the idea of America at the time, as well as now!

16 Changing Social Values As free-market expanded, other changes occurred. (Finally something that doesn’t seem like Germany or Russia). 1920 – Females can vote. (1918 for Canada) 1924 – First nations gain the vote. First time cities population outnumber Rural population. However, it also led to the an income gap, they called it Income Disparity.

17 Continued 10% gained 40% of the Income. It is much higher now, maybe 10% for 90%. Hmmm. Also, racial purity becomes more prevalent. It was claimed that European Americans were being threatened by non-European Races.

18 What do you think? Where you aware that America had this type of History? What is the perception we are given of American History? Why do you think History seems to diminish this history? Any other comments, questions, or Commentaries?

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