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Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported The World Is Flat Isriya Paireepairit

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Presentation on theme: "Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported The World Is Flat Isriya Paireepairit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported The World Is Flat Isriya Paireepairit


3 ThomasL.Friedman

4 Globalization Globalization1.0 Globalization2.0 Globalization3.0


6 Globalization1.0 Start:1492(Columbus Discovered America) End:1800 Player: Country

7 Globalization2.0 Start:1800 Interruptedby WorldWarI(1914-1918) GreatDepression (1929) WorldWarII(1940-1945) End:2000

8 Globalization2.0 FirstHalf Falling of TransportationCost Steam Engine RailRoad

9 Globalization2.0 SecondHalf FallingofTelecommunicationCost Telegraph Telephone PC FiberOptics WWW

10 Globalization2.0 Player: Multinational Company

11 CountryvsCompany Thailand Microsoft $47,679M (governmenttotalrevenue) $44,300M (revenue) 1 2 1 2 FY2007(Estimate) Source: Bereau ofthe Budget FY2006Source:Wikipedia

12 Globalization3.0 Start: 2000 Player: Individual

13 Globalization 1.0-Country 2.0-Company 3.0-Individual

14 10ForcesThat Flattened The World

15 Flattener#1 Fall of Berlin Wall

16 Flattener#1 1989 NomoreCommunism Democracy FreeMarket TowardtoSingle, Global Market

17 Flattener#2 NetscapeNavigator

18 Flattener#2 1995 PC Internet WWW Communication





23 Flattener#3 WorkflowSoftware

24 Flattener#3 Workingtogether DifferentHardware DifferentLocation Webtechnology EffectfromFlattener #2 Netscape


26 Lotus Case Study

27 Flattener#3 Cause more 6Flatteners #4Uploading #5Outsourcing #6Offshoring #7Supply-chaining #8Insourcing #9In-forming

28 Flattener#4 Uploading

29 Flattener#4 PowerofCommunity(ConnectedIndividuals) Community-developed Softwares-OpenSource Answers News&Commentary-Blogging Content-Wikipedia

30 Flattener#4 Community-developed Answer GoldcorpInc. Case Study

31 Flattener#5 Y2K

32 Flattener#5 Outsourcing Y2K

33 Outsourcing Split Service Manufacturing andperformelsewhere, where Mostefficient Cost-effective

34 Y2K Outsource Accelerator India Flattener #2 Netscape (Communication) Flattener #3 Workflow (Software)

35 Flattener#6 Offshoring

36 Flattener#6Offshoring Split Service Manufacturing andperformelsewhere, where Mostefficient Cost-effective

37 Flattener#6Offshoring China Flattener #7 Supply-Chaining (Transport)

38 Flattener#7 Supply-Chaining

39 #7Supply-Chaining

40 #7Supply-Chaining Walmart Manuf. Customer

41 #7Supply-Chaining Flattener #2 Netscape (Communication) Flattener #3 Workflow (Software) Flattener #6 Offshoring (Manufacturer) Sales Distribution Shipping

42 Flattener#8 Insourcing

43 #8Insourcing Reverse of Outsourcing UPS&Toshiba

44 Insourcing Case Study

45 Insourcing Case Study

46 Flattener#9 In-forming

47 #9Informing InformationFinding Search Engine

48 Flattener#10 TheSteroids

49 Computing InstantMessaging,P2P VoIP Videoconference ComputerGraphics Processing Storage Data Transfer Communication VirtualReality

50 TheSteroids Computing InstantMessaging, P2P VoIP Videoconference ComputerGraphics Wireless

51 TripleConvergence

52 Convergence#1 ConvergedFlatteners

53 Convergence#1 Before2000-Semi-Independent After2000-Convergedwithanother AsComplementaryGoods E.g.Paper/Pencil

54 Convergence#2 NewBusinessPlatform

55 #1 BerlinWall #3Workflow#2Netscape #4Uploading #5Outsourcing #6Offshoring#8Insourcing #7Supply Chaining #6Informing #10Steroids Accelerator BusinessProcess Infrastructure Politics Geographic Economics

56 Convergence#3 EmergingRegions


58 Country Population (million) GDP (trillion$) Brazil1881.6 Russia1421.7 India11264.0 China131710.0 Total277317.3

59 DevelopedCountries Country Population (million) GDP (trillion$) USA30113.04 EU49413.8 Japan1284.2 Total92331

60 Compare! Country Population (million) GDP (trillion$) GDPpercapita ($) BRIC277317.36,238 Developed 9233133,586 Thailand620.589,100

61 Companies and the Flat World

62 Rule#1 Core Competency

63 Greer&Associates Case Study Compet A Competitor B Emerging Greer

64 &Associates Case Study Think Produce Expert Jobs Think Produce Expert Jobs OldWay NewWay

65 Rule#2 Small Act Big

66 Aramex Case Study FedExDHL Airborne Aramex Other MiddleEast 1990

67 Aramex Case Study FedExDHL Airborne Aramex Other MiddleEast 2003

68 Aramex Case Study FedEx DHL Airborne Other MiddleEast Aramex GlobalDistributionAlliance 2004

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