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+ Acids and Bases. + Examples of Acids? + Examples of Acids lemon, vinegar, grapefruit. pop Lactic Acid found in your muscles Some animals use acid to.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Acids and Bases. + Examples of Acids? + Examples of Acids lemon, vinegar, grapefruit. pop Lactic Acid found in your muscles Some animals use acid to."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Acids and Bases

2 + Examples of Acids?

3 + Examples of Acids lemon, vinegar, grapefruit. pop Lactic Acid found in your muscles Some animals use acid to deter predators eg. Scorpions spray acetic acid from their glands when frightened.

4 + What is an Acid? A substance that produces hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Acid + Water --> H + ions + other ions Common properties: Taste sour Corrosive React with metals

5 + Examples of Bases?

6 + Examples of Bases Some common bases are Soap, eggs, baking soda, antacids How do these feel? Lidocaine (local anesthetic used at the dentist) Draino

7 + What is a Base? A substance that produces hydroxide (OH – ) ions when dissolved in water. Base + Water --> OH – ions + other ions Common properties: Taste bitter Feels slippery

8 + Mixing Acids and Bases When we mix acids and bases, this is called a neutralization reaction Acid + Base --> water + salts H + (aq) + OH – (aq)

9 + Can you have stronger acids than others? Is lemon juice a stronger acid than pop? Can we measure this?

10 + pH Scale A numeric scale that is used for identifying if a solution is acidic, basic, or neutral Typically ranges from 0 to 14 Acidic Solution: pH < 7 Lemon juice pH = 2 Tomato juice pH = 4 Basic Solution: pH > 7 Eggs pH = 8 Soap pH = 10 Neutral Solution: pH = 7 Pure Water

11 + Identifying Acids and Bases Acid-base Indicators: a chemical that is a characteristic colour when in the presence of an acid or a base Example: Red and Blue Litmus Red Litmus: Stays red in acid, but turns blue in base Blue Litmus: Stays blue in base, but turns red in acid

12 + Identifying Acids and Bases Phenolphthalein Colourless from pH of 0 to 8, and then pink from pH 8 to 14. Universal Indicator Different colours at different pH values

13 + Properties of Acids and Bases PropertyAcidBase Taste (CAUTION: Never do this in the lab) SourBitter Touch (CAUTION: Never do this in the lab) Can be corrosiveSlippery Can be corrosive Production of IonsHydrogen ion H + (aq) Hydroxide ion OH – (aq) Reaction with some metalsReacts (and corrodes) them No reaction Electrical Conductivityyes Litmus indicator testBlue litmus turns redRed litmus turns blue pHLess than 7 (<7)Greater than 7 (>7)

14 + Pg. 161 # 11 - 16

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