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Anthony Chow, Ph.D. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthony Chow, Ph.D. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthony Chow, Ph.D. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

2 Overview What is systemic change and educational informatics? The Systemic Educational Informatics (SEI) model SEI and the Central Educational Center Future Research The ideal vision: students thinking Mega success? 2AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

3 Systemic Change and Educational Informatics An appropriate analogy – medical informatics of a hospital patient: seven variables measured at all times: Heart Rate EKG Blood Pressure Respiratory Quality Respiratory Rate Oxygen Saturation Body Temperature Stable System 3AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010 Use of information and technology system to ensure a stable system is in place. Variables comprising stable vitals are identified and measured.

4 Systemic Change and Educational Informatics An appropriate analogy – medical informatics of a hospital patient: seven variables measured at all times: Heart Rate EKG Blood Pressure Respiratory Quality Respiratory Rate Oxygen Saturation Body Temperature Stable System Informatics is: Information computing and technology, and Information management (Kling & Hara, 2009) Applied to EDUCATION and you have the field of Educational Informatics 4AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

5 EI is defined as: “the study of the application of digital technologies and techniques to the use and communication of information in learning and education” (Levy, Ford, Foster, et al., 2003, pg. 299). Systemic Educational Informatics (SEI) Model Theoretical model outlining process for applying educational informatics concept to systemic change efforts. Educational Informatics (2) 5AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

6 SEI Model Primary tenets Automated Collected and analyzed in management reports Informs organizational performance and management decisions Macro and Micro (Mega if possible) Measurable Ends Identified Metric s Technology & Data 6AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

7 SEI and Harless’ Vision & Systemic Change Application of performance technology ABCD model to public education Needs-based education derived from systems ADDIE process Problem with education is the WHAT not the HOW Existing curriculum not needs-based as defined by either : Tangible accomplishments Stakeholders Students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities Started a charter school in 2000 – the Central Educational Center 7AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

8 SEI Model and CEC Macro Stakeholder Engagement Outreach & Awareness Economic Impact Student Participation Micro Soft skills Educational Accountability Student Measures Work- based learning Dual Enrollment Post High School 8AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

9 SEI Model and CEC Macro Stakeholder Engagement Outreach & Awareness Economic Impact Student Participation Micro Soft skills Educational Accountability Student Measures Work- based learning Dual Enrollment Post High School Metric: Engagement level of primary stakeholders Data: Engagement scale, CEO rating. Metric:. Students CEC impacts Data: % district students that take a course Metric: stakeholders who are aware of school Data: Annual awareness survey Metric: ROI of CEC Data: decrease in drop-out rate 9AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

10 SEI Model and CEC Macro Micro Soft skills Educational Accountability Student Measures Work- based learning Dual Enrollment Post High School Metric: Work ethic grade Data: Cumulative grades earned Metric: Traditional measures Data: Individual and school level grades, test scores, graduation rates. Metric: total numbers, % change over time Data: attendance, tardiness Metric: Numbers and placements Data: students and employer participants Metric: total numbers, % change over time Data: certificates earned, participants Metric: Progress and preparedness Data: Survey data 10AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA 10/27/2010

11 SEI Model and CEC Macro Stakeholder Engagement Outreach & Awareness Economic Impact Student Participation Micro Soft skills Educational Accountability Student Measures Work- based learning Dual Enrollment Post High School Is systemic change taking place? Is there a paradigm shift? 11AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

12 SEI Model and CEC Macro Stakeholder Engagement Outreach & Awareness Economic Impact Student Participation Micro Soft skills Educational Accountability Student Measures Work- based learning Dual Enrollment Post High School Data is collected and reported automatically Issue identified Affirmative, timely action taken Research shows 50-75% of those who drop out are not engaged by the curriculum. 12AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

13 Future Research Phase 1 – Year 1: Implement at CEC this 2010-2011 academic year Phase 2 – Year 2: Generalize to 15 career academies 13AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

14 SEI and Systemic Change Macro Stakeholder Engagement Outreach & Awareness Economic Impact Student Participation Micro Soft skills Educational Accountability Student Measures Work- based learning Dual Enrollment Post High School Mega Mega students for Mega planning? Society and the environment “Doing good while doing well.” (Kaufman, 2000) 14AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

15 Thank You! Q & A Anthony Chow (slides) Book: Systems Thinking and 21 st Century Education 15AECT 2010, Anaheim, CA10/27/2010

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