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District Academic Advisory Committee September 17, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "District Academic Advisory Committee September 17, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Academic Advisory Committee September 17, 2013

2 Getting to Know You 2 Pflugerville ISD

3 What is DAAC? 3  District Academic Advisory Council Pflugerville ISD

4 Role of DAAC  Education Code 11.252 A Superintendent or designee shall regularly consult the District-level committee in the planning, operation, supervision, and evaluation of the District educational program. 4 Pflugerville ISD

5 Advisory Role of DAAC 5  Six Areas for Advisement Planning Budgeting Curriculum Staffing patterns Staff development School organization Pflugerville ISD

6 DAAC Composition 6  Campus-based & district level professional staff  Parents  Businesses  Community Pflugerville ISD

7 DAAC Duties 7  Involved in establishing/reviewing District educational goals and programs  Assist in preparing, reviewing, and revising the District Improvement Plan  Review drop-out information  Hold an annual public meeting to discuss District performance Pflugerville ISD

8 DAAC Duties Continued 8  Advise staff regarding the District’s discipline management program, including the Student Code of Conduct  Participate in developing and approving District-wide staff development  Provide input concerning waiver requests Pflugerville ISD

9 Overview of 2013-14 Budget 9 Pflugerville ISD

10 District Updates Pflugerville ISD Prepared by Troy Galow 10

11 Meeting Times 11 Pflugerville ISD

12 Launch Pflugerville ISD 12

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