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Pending Legislation 4/21/11. Budget Both chambers have passed budgets, we await conference to bring them into compliance with one another. Both budgets.

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1 Pending Legislation 4/21/11

2 Budget Both chambers have passed budgets, we await conference to bring them into compliance with one another. Both budgets include cuts to K-12 education of over 6% from the current year. A portion of the cut to the district is off-set in each budget by directly taxing employees for retirement. The remaining cut will need to be balanced by cutting the current MDCPS budget. (layoffs, furloughs, salary roll-backs, etc.)

3 Retirement SB 2100(Budget)/ HB 1405 (Workman) Both bills have passed their respective chambers, they differ and therefore will be part of the Conference process. These bills are directly tied to how they balance the budget and give tax breaks to others while instituting an income tax (contribution) on public employees. % of tax, flat vs. progressive tax rate, continuation of DROP, etc.

4 Class Size SB 1466 (Simmons) & 2120/ HB 5101 Redefines “Core Classes” and provides statutory flexibility that did not pass in November as a change to Constitutional requirements. No house companion to 1466, but the issue has been included in budget implementing bills in both chambers. Implementing bills are a version of a “Train” for anything that can be directly linked to budget.

5 Dues Deduction SB 830 (Thrasher)/HB 1021 (Dorworth) 1021 passed the House and is in Senate Messages. 830 was amended and is on the Senate Calendar, 2 nd reading. Senate could take up either version or neither, depending on whether they have votes. If they pass 830, as amended, it would return to House for another vote.

6 <50% Decertification HB 1023 (Plakon) No Senate Companion. 1021 in House Government Operations Committee. Current situation makes it unlikely to pass, but monitoring to see if they try to add it to another bill referred to as a “Train” By rules, it would need to be germane to the other bill, but the current majorities allow for rule waivers, etc.

7 Anytime Decertification Option SB 1720(Hays)/HB 1025(Brodeur) No action thus far on 1720 1025 is in House Government Operations Committee Current situation makes it unlikely to pass, but monitoring to see if they try to add it to another bill referred to as a “Train” By rules, it would need to be germane to the other bill, but the current majorities allow for rule waivers, etc.

8 Expansion of CTC Vouchers SB 1388 (Flores)/ HB 965 (Horner) Expands the list of companies that can divert tax dollars to Corporate Tax Credit (CTC) scholarships. Provides access to CTC groups to solicit diversion of tax dollars. Maintains the public records exemption preventing the public from knowing who diverts tax dollars to these organizations. 1388 on Budget Committee agenda 4/25 965 on House Calendar, 2 nd Reading

9 Church/State Separation SB 1218(Altman)/ HB 1471 (Plakon) Constitutional Amendment to change the state’s establishment clause Would remove a significant hurdle to the further expansion of vouchers 1218 in Senate Children, Families and Elder Affairs Committee 1471 on House Calendar, 2 nd Reading If passed will be on ballot in November 2012 unless another bill is passed to schedule a special election

10 State Revenue Limitation (Constitution) (Sometime referred to as TABOR) SB 958 / HB 7221 958 passed Senate and is in House messages 7221 on House Calendar, 2 nd Reading House can take up either version Likely they will just take up 958 and pass it Would be on ballot in November 2012, unless another bill passes to schedule a special election

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