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Safety Performance Benchmarking Fred Douglas - July 2010.

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1 Safety Performance Benchmarking Fred Douglas - July 2010

2 Industry Submissions New Zealand aviation should be as safe, or safer, than Euro/US/Aust. aviation Current levels of safety in small aircraft are not acceptable Safety rates for small aircraft should not even be one order of magnitude worse than those for large aircraft Safety targets should be set for sport and recreational aviation For small aircraft social costs per seat hour of $1.00 to $5.00 (down from the current $60.00 to $170.00) should be targeted

3 Achievement to date Safety performance of the aviation community improving, lowered accident rates Over the last three years: other commercial ops aircraft = almost 5 times over target oco helicopters = about 8 times ag. ops aircraft = just under 6 But ag. ops helicopter is achieving 60% below target

4 CAA Reports... 2003- non-adherence to rules; lack of knowledge Causal factors of accidents in the latest 6 month period (July-Dec. 2009): –Inappropriate strategy –Structural/mechanical –Poor procedural action –Inadequate organisational defences –Inadequate checking –Environmental –Poor instructions/procedures –Inexperience

5 Relevance of training? Training is unique in that everyone goes through it You don't have to talk to too many old hands in training to realise that they too are concerned about the product coming from the initial training system in general. They add a number of other causal factors broadly relating to: –issues of commercial pressures –lack of experience in the instructor ranks –lack of airmanship

6 The training sector In 2009, 35 certified training establishments, 44 non- qualified establishments or individuals: –Qualified 594 CPLs on aircraft of which 38% were from overseas (26 countries) –Qualified 118 CPLs on helicopters of which 27% were from overseas (13 countries) –Generated direct revenue of $53.5 m of which 28% was from overseas (about 10% of total GA commercial revenue) –And generated indirect revenue of $238 m –By 2015 direct revenue is projected to grow to between $73 and $105 m, between 33 and 53% of which will come from overseas –700 staff, 450-odd aircraft


8 So, what is needed? Get the facts / stats –Talk to those who know –Talk to industry “customers” –Talk to other training organisations (RNZAF) Assemble the data Regulator/industry discussion to develop fixes, timeframes, milestones Signoff Implementation

9 Thank you Fred Douglas - July 2010

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