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Buckinghamshire County Council Maths Network Group 1 Session 2 28.9.09.

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Presentation on theme: "Buckinghamshire County Council Maths Network Group 1 Session 2 28.9.09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buckinghamshire County Council Maths Network Group 1 Session 2 28.9.09

2 Buckinghamshire County Council Agenda Reflections and coaching Next steps in planning  APP  Guided group work  Using Data at classroom level to inform planning Building in Using and Applying In school actions

3 Buckinghamshire County Council Coaching In 3’s Speaker Coach Observer

4 Buckinghamshire County Council Coaching What have you been doing in school to improve standards in mathematics across the school? How successful has your work been? What barriers have you encountered?

5 Buckinghamshire County Council Next steps in planning

6 Buckinghamshire County Council Moving children on 1 Identify the children – Venn diagram 2 Ensure they have the ‘must haves’ 3 Use the APP grids to identify areas of development and guided groups 4 Use the overcoming barriers and Pitch and Expectations to gather ideas to move children on Good Pedagogy- U & A, open questioning, guidedwork, awareness of levels Review of learning

7 Buckinghamshire County Council Guided group work Is integral to quality-first teaching Is informed by detailed assessment of particular children’s learning with opportunities for further assessment Involves grouping children with a shared and current learning need, with individual progress regularly assessed to review group membership Has a very clear teacher role in scaffolding and supporting learning Involves the giving of clear feedback to children on the focus of learning and the progress made

8 Buckinghamshire County Council Venn Diagrams Used to identify underperforming groups of children in one subject area Target groups from the Venn Quick gains with these children Consider 1:1 Example

9 Buckinghamshire County Council Must Haves... What are the ‘Must Haves’ in maths? 10 90 20 80 30 70 40 60 50

10 Buckinghamshire County Council Number facts and Tables facts Counting on and back in 1s, 10s & 100s Partitioning to add Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 Multiplying by multiples of 10 Simple decimals Empty box questions Remainders

11 Buckinghamshire County Council APP to identify where they need to go next 1.Identify Age Appropriate Learning Objective 2.Track back using Previous Learning 3.Look on APP grids for relevant area and next steps 4.Plan appropriate activity

12 Buckinghamshire County Council Video Example

13 Buckinghamshire County Council Example Year 5 Learning Objectives: I can use the relationships between numbers to solve ratio and proportion questions I can break a problem into steps and say the calculation I need to do to work out each step I can check that my answers are sensible I can decide and justify what calculations to do to solve a problem and whether I will do these mentally, using a written method or with a calculator

14 Buckinghamshire County Council Example year 5 - Learning Overview Children use multiplication (and division) to solve problems involving ratio and proportion. They answer questions such as: Mary posts a package. She uses 10p and 2p stamps. She uses two 2p stamps for every 10p stamp. What could the package cost to post? There are 25 ml of cordial in every 100 ml of juice drink. How much cordial is needed to make 1 / 2 litre of juice drink? Children scale the ingredients in recipes up or down, for example rewriting a recipe for 8 people so that it would feed 16 or 4 people.

15 Buckinghamshire County Council APP

16 Buckinghamshire County Council Activity There are 40 squares in a pattern made up of shaded and unshaded squares. Find the number of shaded squares and unshaded squares if the ratio of shaded to unshaded is: 3:5 7:1 4:6 8:2 2:3

17 Buckinghamshire County Council

18 The splitting plant grows in a special way. In the first week the stem splits into two branches. In the second week, each of these two branches split in to another two branches - making four branches altogether. This keeps happening every week, until at the end of the 6th week each branch grows a flower. How many flowers will the plant have? Amazing Splitting Plants

19 Buckinghamshire County Council


21 Week 1 - 2 Week 2 - 4 Week 3 - 8 Week 4 -16 Week 5 - 32 Week 6 - 64 flowers

22 Buckinghamshire County Council Have a go...

23 Buckinghamshire County Council Building In Using and Applying

24 Buckinghamshire County Council Building in Using and Applying

25 Buckinghamshire County Council


27 Pitch and Expectations

28 Buckinghamshire County Council

29 Electronic Resources to support U& A Flexible Line graph Counting Stick Calculations

30 Buckinghamshire County Council In school action planning

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