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Database Administration

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1 Database Administration
Todd S. Bacastow

2 Evolution of the DBA Data Processing Department
Information Systems Department Service Function to provide end users active data management support Production Function to provide solutions to information needs (application development) DBA – Database Administration Size and Role varies from company to company DBA’s function is very dynamic Distributed Databases Internet Databases Object Oriented databases Sophistication and Power of the DBMS packages

3 Common Functions of DBA
Database Planning Standards, procedures, enforcement Requirements Gathering and Conceptual Design Logical Design Physical Design and Implementation Testing and Debugging Operations and Maintenance Training and Support

4 DBA’s Managerial Role Control and Planning Dimensions of Database Administration Coordinating, Monitoring, and Allocating database administration resources People Data Defining Goals and Formulating Strategic Plans for the Database Administration function

5 DBA’s Responsibilities
DBA Activity DBA Service Planning End-User Support Organizing Policies, Procedures, Standards Testing Data Security, Privacy, Integrity Monitoring Data backup and Recovery Delivering Data Distribution and Use

6 End-User Support User Requirements Gathering
Understanding of the users’ views and needs Present and Future information needs Conflict and Problem Resolution Solutions in one department may cause problems in another Finding Solutions to Information Needs Ensure Quality and Integrity of Applications and Data Build End-User Confidence Manage the Training and Support of DBMS users

7 Policies, Procedures, and Standards
Policies: General Statements of Direction or action that communicate and support DBA goals Procedures: Written Instructions that describe a services of steps to be followed during the performance of a given activity Standards: More detailed and specific than policies, and describe the minimum requirements of a DBA activity Rules that are used to evaluate the qualityof the activity Policy: Users must have password, password must be changed every 6 months Standards Passwords have a min of 5 characters, max of 12 char., cannot be SS#, names, birthdates Procedures: To create a password, send a request to DBA for an Account, temp password is created, sends account Information to user, user changes temporary password into acceptable perm. one

8 Areas of Policies and Procedures
End-User database requirements gathering Database design and modeling Documentation and Naming conventions Design, coding, and testing of applications Database software selection Database security and integrity Database backup and recovery Database maintenance and operation End-user training

9 Data Security, Privacy and Integrity
User Access Management Define each user to the database Operating System Level Database Level Assign Passwords Define User Groups Assign Access Privileges Read Write Delete Physical Access Control View Definitions Protect and Control the Scope of the Data that is accessible to a user DBMS utilities access control Limit the use of query and reporting tools DBMS usage Monitoring Audit Logs (More difficult in distributed databases)

10 Data Backup and Recovery
Disaster Management Periodic Data and Application Backups Full Incremental Concurrent Proper Backup Identification Convenient and safe backup storage Physical protection of hardware and software Personal Access Control to the software of a database installation Insurance coverage for the data in the database

11 Data Backup and Recovery
Recovery and Contingency plans Tested Evaluated Practiced Will Not Recover all components of an IS Establish priorities for the nature and extend of the data recovery process

12 Data Distribution and Use
Data is only useful when: Given to the Right User Right Time Right Format Programmers Deliver programs to access data Time consuming for DBA Data Distribution allows end users to access the database Internet Intranets Queries, Web Front Ends End Users may make improper use of database, data duplication, etc.

13 DBA’s Technical Role DBMS and utilities, evaluation, selection and installation Design and implementation of Database Testing and Evaluation Operation of DBMS, Utilities, and Applications Training and Supporting Users Maintenance of DBMS, Utilities, and Applicaitons

14 Evaluation, Selection, and Installation
Selection of Hardware and Software Must be based on the Organization’s Needs Search is for a solutions to a problem, not a need for a software 1st step is to determine companies NEEDS

15 DBMS Checklist DBMS Model Storage Capacity
Application Development Support Security and Integrity Backup and Recovery Concurrency Control Performance DBA tools Interoperability and Data Distribution Portability Hardware Data Dictionary Vendor Training and Support Third Party Tools Cost

16 Design and Implementation
Determination and Enforcement of Standards and Procedures Ensure the Design activities are performed within the Standards and Procedures Ensure Transactions are: Correct Efficient Compliant with Integrity and Standards Physical Design Operational Procedures

17 Testing and Evaluation
All Database and End User Applications Maintained Independently of Development and Implementation Cover: Technical Aspects Backup, Recovery, Security, Integrity, SQL Evaluation of Documentation Observance of Standards Naming, Documentation, Coding Data Duplication Conflicts with existing data Enforcement of Data Validation rules

18 Operation of DBMS, Utilities, and Applications
System Support Day-to-day activity of the DBMS Performance monitoring and tuning Performance Goals Evaluate if performance objectives are being met Isolate Problems and Find solutions Implement solutions Backup and Recovery Security auditing and monitoring Appropriate access rights Proper use of access privileges by programmers and end users

19 Training and Supporting Users
Technical Training in the use of DBMS and Utilities for Applications Programmers Unscheduled on-demand technical support Interaction with DBMS vendors

20 Maintenance of DBMS Dedicated to the Preservation of the DBMS environment Management of the Physical or Secondary Storage devices Reorganizing the physical location of the data Upgrading the DBMS and Utility Software Exchange of data is dissimilar formats or between database

21 Database Administration Tools
Data Dictionary Store the Description of all objects that interact with the database Integrated  Include data outside of DBMS Standalone  limited to data of DBMS Case Tools Computer Aided Software Engineering Automated Framework for the SDLC Front-End Tools Planning, Analysis, Design Back-End Tools Coding and Implementation

22 Data Dictionary Data Elements from all tables of all databases
Names, Types, Format, Validation rules, When an Element is Used and by whom Tables defined in the database Indexes defined for each table Defined databases, and properties End Users and Administrators Programs that access the database Access Authorizations for all users Relationships among data elements

23 Case Tools Reduction in development time and costs
Standardization of Systems Development Methodologies Easier Maintenance of Application Systems Developed with CASE Tools Components: Graphics Screen Painters and Report Generators Repository for Storing and Cross-Referencing the System Design Data (Data Dictionary) Analysis Segment for Automated Check on System Consistency, Syntax, Completeness Program Documentation Generator

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