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New to FBHS Advisory August 20, 2014. Tip 411 FBHS now has an anonymous tip line. You can report illegal activity to the police or to the FBHS administration.

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Presentation on theme: "New to FBHS Advisory August 20, 2014. Tip 411 FBHS now has an anonymous tip line. You can report illegal activity to the police or to the FBHS administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 New to FBHS Advisory August 20, 2014

2 Tip 411 FBHS now has an anonymous tip line. You can report illegal activity to the police or to the FBHS administration.

3 Tip 411 Here’s how it works: Using your mobile device, text Mr. Triplett or Mrs. Walker at 847-411 Be sure your text begins with the keyword fbhstip (all lower case with no spaces) After the keyword you can type your message and they will receive it with your name and number concealed It’s that easy!

4 Tip 411 If you want to send an anonymous message to the Fort Bragg Police Department, send your text to the same number (847-411) using keyword fbpdtip (all lowercase with no spaces) Be sure you begin your text with the keyword then type your message. The Tip 411 center uses the keywords to sort all of the incoming tips. When your tip arrives, you will get a confirmation message.

5 Tip 411 The police and/or the FBHS administration will be able to text you back, but they will never see your name or cell phone number. This tip line was created so that students could have a safe and secure way to report bullying and illegal activity without the fear of being a “snitch.” Please, use the tip line wisely. The Tip 411 call center will prosecute fraudulent tips and abuse of this tip line.

6 School Info App YES!! FBHS now has a mobile app! Let’s check it out…

7 School Info App If you don’t have a smart phone, you can find all the app features online using these steps. ▫Google/search “School Info App” ▫Once at the site, select “Our Apps” ▫Select “United States” ▫Select “California” ▫Find Fort Bragg High School alphabetically and select the HTML option on the right hand side of the screen ▫Start investigating!!

8 Tip 411 & School Info App If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to your advisory teacher, Mrs. Walker or Mr. Triplett. We’re all here to help make your time at FBHS meaningful. Tip 411 and School Info App support the FBHS mantra… Be respectful. Be prepared. Work hard! Have a great school year and GO WOLVES!!

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