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Converting to Fusebox: asking an old CF app to FLiP * Challenges Methods Results Mark Wimer USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center,

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Presentation on theme: "Converting to Fusebox: asking an old CF app to FLiP * Challenges Methods Results Mark Wimer USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Converting to Fusebox: asking an old CF app to FLiP * Challenges Methods Results Mark Wimer USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel MD * Fusebox Lifecycle Process

2 Acknowledgements THANKS to:  Free code and advice online, especially from Hal Helms, Sandra Clark, Michael Smith, Steve Nelson, Jeff Peters, John Quarto-vonTivadar, Brian Kotek, Max Porges and the fusebox community in general  Teratech’s staff, training, hosting of MD discussion list, and willingness to host these CF conferences!  The Fusebox and Synthis forums ChallengesMethodsResults

3 Challenges Existing application: things to change  Regular modifications  New vision of application began to build  No documentation  Minimal staff – so who is documentation for?  Starting to lose decision points of app in code  Reinvented control mechanism each time new features added ChallengesMethodsResults

4 Challenges: existing app, cont’d What was good before considering the switch  My newer work tended to smaller file size and separated functions  I had begun to separate out a ‘controller’ (didn’t call it that though)  No documentation yet (hey…nothing to lose!) ChallengesMethodsResults

5 Weighing the options to go Fusebox Motivation to consider it:  Several other apps in house being developed using Fusebox (one in production)  Fellow developer showed interest  No written lifecycle process in use Fears:  Fusebox 4 relatively new (Fusebox 3 confusing)  Learning curve for ‘suite’: Fusebox, MVC, CSS, FLiP, test harnesses, etc. (all at once!)  Lots of work… but then it always is. Seemed like an ALL or NOTHING proposition. ChallengesMethodsResults

6 Fusebox Project Life Cycle* Wireframe HTML Prototype Prototype + Devnotes Sign off Architecture + Fusedoc Final Code (& unit testing) Integration & Acceptance Testing THANKS to Michael Smith @ Teratech for this Fusebox Conf 2003 slide * Req. | Arch. | Build

7 Methods * Assemble team for review (team of clients) Wireframes  Start building wireframes based on existing apps  Solicit comments using DevNotes Prototypes  Prototypes screen with DevNotes, 2 rounds Architecture: in Adalon * [Get Adalon from Synthis – my new favorite software] ChallengesMethodsResults

8 Learned from Wireframes Better to construct them with clients in room  Our clients were distributed  DevNotes method worked, but more real-time updating of wireframes would have been better  Group brainstorming dynamic is different over web A developer may not be the best person to build them (especially in absence of clients)  Loss of user perspective at critical early stage. ChallengesMethodsResults

9 Learned from Prototypes Create all the screens. Do not skip steps.  Since it was existing, temptation was great to skip.  Especially dynamic sections of screens; i.e. versions of a single screen. Challenge: global navigation, design are tough to implement early on.  But it wasn’t really early on! Users familiar with existing application  Should have recruited more newbies. ChallengesMethodsResults

10 Learned from Prototypes Comments on user-testing.  Either paper prototypes or real screens.  Process – is user-testing spelled out in FLiP?  Convincing others above & below that it’s worth it.  If you don’t sit and watch someone fumble with your screens IN PERSON, you’ll never “get” user- friendly. (Except you in the third row, fourth from left, of course) Need some group discussion – in house  Bounce ideas, code review, help with testing ChallengesMethodsResults

11 Directory structure before & after 13 24 1 - 71 1 - 60 Before: ~ 210 files After: ~350 files Fusebox Nouns for model & view: Each state project is coordinated at the level of a region. Observers survey each block in a region, recorded on fieldforms. Reports: by block or species. Controller (by user) + Public (explore) + observer (myatlas) + reg. coordinator + proj. coordinator + administrator ChallengesMethodsResults

12 Screen shots and code during session Wireframes with DevNotes and comments Prototypes with DevNotes and comments Adalon diagramming – pre/post MVC Adalon for circuit planning Resulting Circuits – detail examples ChallengesMethodsResults

13 Questions/ your feedback Just how badly am I abusing MVC concepts? Suggestions on circuit arrangement? Please find me later if you want to see and make suggestions on:  Adalon project files  Wireframes  Prototypes  Application itself ChallengesMethodsResults

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