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John Pickford IBM H11 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 13:30. – 14:30. Platform: Informix Practical Applications of IDS Extensibility (Part 2 of 2)

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Presentation on theme: "John Pickford IBM H11 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 13:30. – 14:30. Platform: Informix Practical Applications of IDS Extensibility (Part 2 of 2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 John Pickford IBM H11 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 13:30. – 14:30. Platform: Informix Practical Applications of IDS Extensibility (Part 2 of 2)

2 2 Key Points What is Spatial Data Spatial coordinate systems What is the Spatial Datablade What are Spatial Applications Other uses

3 3 What is Spatial Data ? Data related to a location Location Data relating to that location or a set of locations Location is specified as a point on a co-ordinate system Flat Earth More realistic shaped Earth

4 4 Spatial co-ordinate systems Flat Earth Conic A portion of the Earth's surface is projected onto a cone. The cone is then flattened Mercator The Earth's sphere is flattened out. In this projection the further away from the axis a point is, the larger it seems

5 5 Spatial co-ordinate systems

6 6 Geodetic Data Points specified by longitude and latitude Much more complex what is a straight line ? what is the distance between 2 points ? longitude latitude 0 -90 (90° W) +90 (90° N) R

7 7 Where is Spatial Data Used ? Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Store spatial data Analyse spatial data Display spatial data Could be used in CAD/CAM Others ?

8 8 What is the Spatial DataBlade ? Some data types Basic type is a point x and y co-ordinate system z (optional) m (optional) Spatial types Point(s) Line(s) Polygon(s) Some functions Standard OGC functions Additional functions Support for different co- ordinate systems Spatial Index Support Some utilities Load shapes

9 9 Spatial Data Types Point(s) Line(s) They can cross (themselves and each other) Polygon(s) A polygon must have the same start and end point They can not cross themselves or each other but can touch

10 10 Spatial Data Types Each point can have A z co-ordinate (height, depth, …) A measure (e.g. time) The 'measure' can be interpolated

11 11 Spatial Functions Convert geometries from/to: Text Well Known Binary (WKB) ESRI Shape files Convert geometries to: GML

12 12 Spatial Functions Get parameters Dimensions of coordinates and geometry Data type Number of points SRID Max/Min of x, y, z, m Manipulation Get the x, y, z, m of a point Get the first, mid, nth, last point of a line Get the area, centre, perimeter Get the nth geometry in a in a "multi"

13 13 Spatial Functions Relationships between geometries: Contain each other Cross Intersect Overlap Touch Disjoint Equal

14 14 Spatial Functions Create new from existing: Union Intersection Difference Perpendicular projection Buffer Boundary Envelope Generalize

15 15 Spatial Functions Nearest neighbour SRID management Get the SRID of a geometry Transform from one SRID to another Administration Get sizes

16 16 Spatially Enabling a Database Two easy steps: Get the spatial DataBlade Use "Blade Manager" to add it to the database

17 17 Inserting Spatial Data Create table with spatial column create table gpsDemo (seRowId char(10), path st_linestring); Insert data insert into gpsDemo values ('a', st_linefromtext('linestring zm( 0. 0. 0. 100, 1. 1. 0. 110, 2. 2. 0. 120, 3. 3. 0. 130 )', 4));

18 18 Selecting Spatial Data Select: select * from gpsDemo; seRowIdpath a4 LINESTRING ZM ( 0. 0. 0. 100, ….. select seRowId, st_envelope(path) from gpsDemo; seRowIdpath a4 POLYGON (( 0. 0., 3. 0., 3. 3., …..

19 19 Evolution of GIS Data Management GIS Application GIS Application SQL Proprietary data format 1 st Generation: 2 nd Generation: 3 rd Generation: SQL Proprietary GIS API Proprietary GIS API GIS Application GIS Application GIS Application GIS Application File Syste m File Syste m GIS Data Engine GIS Data Engine RDBMS “Spatial” Application “Spatial” Application Spatially enabled DBMS RDBMS SQL Spatial features, indexes in BLOBs Attributes GIS Data Engine GIS Data Engine Spatial types functions indexes Spatial Features Proprietary spatial structures Open or proprietary Open Spatial business logic

20 20 App Server Extensible RDBMS Extensible RDBMS Spatial data DataBusiness Logic Client HTTP Server Thin-Client Browser Intranet Internet EJBs Corporate Applications Corporate Applications Java App Java App Java App Java App Java App Java App Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Extensible RDBMS Extensible RDBMS Spatial data Service-Oriented Architecture

21 21 DataBlade Component Technology ConnectivityBackupRestore Server Subsystems DB2/IDSDB2/IDS Spatial Geodetic Grid Your idea goes here Spatial Geodetic Grid Your idea goes here

22 22 DataBlade Elements Types Functions Casts Aggregates Indexes Tables Client Code NewExtender/DataBladeNewExtender/DataBlade

23 23 R-Tree Indexing Not part of the Spatial Datablade but key to Spatial Data Management Index still organised as a tree structure but they point to Regions Not limited to 2 dimensions Root Branch Leaf Branch

24 24 R-Tree indexing Not limited to spatial data Consider times and time periods Y X Start time End time Time period

25 25 Spatial Clients There are different ways to access the data from a client program Java Class Library ESQL/C ODBC/JDBC

26 26 Server Access Spatial data can be access in the server SPL UDF

27 27 A mini Spatial Application A small demo to show how spatial data can be stored and displayed Base GIS demo data distributed free with the datablade as ESRI shape files Data loaded into IDS tables using the loadshp program Data read as GML into a php script started by accessing the php file from a browser (Firefox with xfrorms extension) GML data transformed to SVG and display as graphics

28 28 A mini Spatial Application – Results

29 29 A mini Spatial Application – Results

30 30 A mini Spatial Application – Results latlongSpeedDirTime -2.2021451.877973.854.100:00 -2.20196-51.878074.657.200:10 2.2017651.878165.757.600:20

31 31 John Pickford IBM H11 Practical Applications of IDS Extensibility (Part 2 of 2)

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